The area of a square flower bed is 225 square meters. How many meters is its side length?

The area of a square flower bed is 225 square meters. How many meters is its side length?

That's 225 equals 15

Xiao Hong walked three times along a square flower bed, 144 meters in total. How many square meters is the area of this flower bed?

144 △ 3 = 48 to get the perimeter of the square

Build a square flower bed in the center of the rectangular field. The area around the flower bed is equal to the area of the flower bed
It is 6 meters more than the side length of the flower bed, and 4 meters more than the width of the field

Let the length of the square be x, then the length of the rectangle is 6 + X and the width is 4 + X,
{6 + X} times {4 + X} = 2 times {the square of X}
X = 13 or - 2
So x = 12
The rectangle is 12 + 6 = 18 in length and 12 + 4 = 16 in width
The area is 18 times 16 = 288

The side length of a square flower bed is 25 meters. There is a 2 meter wide path around the flower bed. How many square meters is the area of this path?


For a right triangle, one right side is 12 cm long, the oblique side is 20 cm long, the height on the oblique side is 9.6 cm, and how long is the other right side?

Let the length of the other right angle side be x cm. According to the meaning of the question, we get 12x = 20 × 9.6, and the solution is x = 16. The length of the other right angle side is 16 cm

The two right sides of a right triangle are 3 meters and 4 meters respectively. The length of the hypotenuse is 5 meters. How many meters is the height of the hypotenuse

H = 3 * 4 / 5, utilization area unchanged

The length of one right side of a right triangle is 4 meters, the length of the hypotenuse is 5 meters, and the corresponding height of this side is 2.4 meters. What is the length of the other right side of the triangle

4 × 5 △ 4 = 3 or 5 ^ 2-4 ^ 2 = 3 under root sign

If one side of a right triangle is 13 and the other two sides are natural numbers, calculate the perimeter
If one side of a right triangle is 13 and the other two sides are natural numbers, calculate the perimeter

If the known condition is a right triangle, and the length of one right side is 13, let the hypotenuse C and the other right side be B, then c > b and C > 13
It is known that both C and B are natural numbers, and C > b, so (c + b) * (C-B) is also a natural number. If the product of two natural numbers is 169, only 13 * 13 or 169 * 1, while (c + b) > (C-B), only (c + b) * (C-B) = 169 * 1,
That is to say, only (c + b) = 169 and (C-B) = 1, we can get the following equations:
By solving the above equations, we get the following results
So the perimeter of right triangle is 13 + C + B = 13 + 84 + 85 = 182

If the hypotenuse length of a right triangle ABC is C = 1, what is the maximum value of its inscribed circle radius r,
As the title

Let a, b.r/a = (B-R) / B, r = AB / (a + b). A ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = 1, (a + b) ^ 2-2ab = 1, r = 1 / 2 [(a + b) - 1 / (a + b)] be increasing, and the range of a + B is (0, root 2). When it is root 2, the maximum is root 2 / 4

For a piece of iron wire, 2 / 7m is used for the first time and 5 / 6m is used for the second time. How many meters are used for the two times?

For a piece of iron wire, 2 / 7m is used for the first time and 5 / 6m is used for the second time. A total of 2 / 7 + 5 / 6 = 47 / 42m is used for two times