After adding 3cm to the two adjacent sides of a square, we get a new square. The area of the new square is 39 square centimeters larger than that of the original square. What's the area of the original square?

After adding 3cm to the two adjacent sides of a square, we get a new square. The area of the new square is 39 square centimeters larger than that of the original square. What's the area of the original square?

Let the side length of the original square be x cm. According to the meaning of the title, we can get: 3x + 3x + 3 × 3 = 39 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6x + 9 = 39 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6x = 30 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 5 the original square

When the side length of a square lawn is increased by 3 meters, the area will be increased by 39 square meters. How many square meters is the original area

Suppose that the original side length of the square is a and the area is a * a, then the original side length increases by 3 meters, the side length becomes (a + 3), and the new area is (a + 3) * (a + 3). According to the problem, the area increases by 39 square meters, so (a + 3) * (a + 3) - A * a = 39, the solution is a = 5, and the original area is 5 * 5 = 25m * 2. I hope it can help you

A section of 7m long iron wire is cut into 9 sections on average, and each section is () m long

Each section is one ninth of the length of the wire, and each section is seven ninths of the length

Circle the wire around the equator of the earth. If the wire is increased by 15.7m, the circle of the wire will leave the ground evenly
fifty-five thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight

I understand what you said, but what are you asking?

There is a triangle with side lengths of 0.8m, 1.5m and 1.7m. How to cut out the largest circular cover and find out the surface of the circular cover

It's the inscribed circle
Let R be the radius
S triangle = 1 / 2R (0.8 + 1.5 + 1.7) = 1 / 2 * 0.8 * 1.5
The area of the circle is 0.09 π

If the length of three sides of a triangle is known, calculate the area? If the length of three sides is 31.7m, 30.7m and 21.7M, calculate the area

Area: S = ah / 2
(2) If three sides a, B and C of a triangle are known, then (Helen formula) (P = (a + B + C) / 2)
a=31.7 b=30.7 c=21.7
(3) If the angle c between the two sides of a triangle is known, then s = 1 / 2 * absinc
(4) Let the three sides of the triangle be a, B and C respectively, and the radius of the inscribed circle be r
(5) Let three sides of triangle be a, B, C respectively, and the radius of circumcircle be r
(6) According to trigonometric function, the area is calculated
  S= absinC/2 a/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinC=2R
Note: where R is the radius of circumscribed circle

How to calculate the volume of a triangle? It is 0.7m long and the oblique side is 2.3m long

Area of triangle = bottom * height * 1 / 2
Area of right triangle = multiplication of two short sides / 2
Look at the sides perpendicular to the height

The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 10.5m and that of one right triangle is 7m. What is the length of the other right triangle

According to the trilateral relation of right triangle
Square of hypotenuse = sum of squares of two right angle sides
=sqr((10.5^2) - (7^2))
= 7.82623792

1. Xiao Ming wants to circle a triangle with a 2-meter-long wire. If one side of the triangle is 2 / 5 meter, and the other side is 2 / 7 meter, he can circle it
A triangle? Why?
Class 1 and class 2 of grade 5 take part in big break activities on the playground. There are 48 students in class 51 and 42 students in class 52. If the two classes form a team with the same number of people in each column and as many people as possible, how many columns should they stand?
7-7 / 311 + 4-7 / 11=
Please help me, please,

1. No, the triangle must be formed so that the sum of the two sides is greater than the third side, 2 / 5 + 2 / 7 = 24 / 35

Xiao Ming enclosed a triangle with a piece of iron wire. The two sides of the triangle are 8 / 7 meters long and 6 / 5 meters long respectively. How long is the third side of the triangle?

The third side is less than 82 / 35 and more than 2 / 35