In a round flower bed, half a circle, 141.3m, the radius of this flower bed is

In a round flower bed, half a circle, 141.3m, the radius of this flower bed is

Because the circumference formula of a circle is 2 π R, the circumference of a semicircle is half of the whole circle, so π × r = 141.3, r = 141.3 △ π = 141.3 △ 3.14 = 45m, R is the radius of the circle

The radius of a round flower bed is 3M. Now the worker's uncle has widened 1m around him. How many square meters has the area increased?

Current radius: 3 + 1 = 4 (m)
Area increase: 3.14 × 4 × 4-3.14 × 3 × 3 = 21.98 (M2)

In the middle of a circular grassland with a perimeter of 25.12 meters, build a circular flower bed with a radius of 3 meters. What is the area of the remaining grassland in square meters

25.12 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 4m
3.14 × 4-178; - 3.14 × 3-178; = 21.98 square meters

What is the property of the side of a right triangle with an angle of 30 degrees____________________

In a right triangle, the right side of a 30 ° angle is equal to half of the hypotenuse

How to make a right triangle with ruler and gauge

1. Make ∠ mon = 90 ° (two vertical straight lines can also be made with ruler)
2. Intercept OA = 1 unit length on OM
3. Take a as the center of the circle, draw an arc with 2 units of radius, and intersect on at point B
4. Connect ab
Then: ∠ oba = 30 ° (according to the fact that the right side of a right triangle is equal to half of the hypotenuse, the acute angle of the right side is 30 °)

A square nursery covering an area of 1 hectare, the length of each side is extended by 100 meters, how many hectares of nursery area will be increased?

In order to solve this problem, we need to know the unit conversion first
1 hectare = 10000 square meters = 100 meters * 100 meters (100 meters is the side length of a square);
Now the length of each side is increased by 100 meters, that is, the new side length of the square is 100 meters + 100 meters = 200 meters;
The area after side length change is 200m * 200m = 40000 M2 = 4 ha;
The nursery area is increased to 4 ha - 1 ha = 3 ha

A square nursery covering an area of 4 hectares will increase the side length by 200 meters. How many hectares will the nursery increase?

4 ha = 40000 M2
So the side length of a square is 200 meters
When the length of each side is increased by 200 meters, the length of a square is 400 meters
The area of the square is 160000 square meters = 16 hectares
Increased 16-4 = 12 ha

How many hectares will a square nursery cover if its side length is increased by 100 meters?

The square nursery covers an area of 1 hectare with a side length of 100 meters
Current area: 110 × 110 = 12100 square meters
12100 M2 = 1.21 ha
A: slightly

In a right triangle, there is an angle of 45 degrees, a height of 2.6 meters, oblique length and bottom length and area
I didn't go to school. I want to find the two sides of the triangle in detail. Thank you for your urgent need

Because it is a right triangle with an angle of 45 degrees, the bottom edge is equal to the height of 2.6. According to the Pythagorean theorem, calculate the sum of squares of two right angles and then square, that is, the length of the hypotenuse; the area is half of the product of two right angles

How to calculate the oblique length of a triangle

See what triangle, general sine and cosine theorem, right triangle with Pythagorean