Street Park to build a diameter of 12 meters of circular flower bed, around with tiles paved a 3 meter wide path, each tile area is 0.9 square meters Street Park to build a diameter of 12 meters of circular flower bed, around with tiles paved a 3 meter wide path, the area of each tile is 0.9 square meters, how many tiles to use to lay this path?

Street Park to build a diameter of 12 meters of circular flower bed, around with tiles paved a 3 meter wide path, each tile area is 0.9 square meters Street Park to build a diameter of 12 meters of circular flower bed, around with tiles paved a 3 meter wide path, the area of each tile is 0.9 square meters, how many tiles to use to lay this path?

Considering the gap between tiles, 156 tiles of 0.9 square meter are needed to pave the 3 meter wide road

There is a flower bed with a rectangular row. Its length is four times of its width, and its area is 25 square meters. Find out the length and width of this rectangle

Let the width be a meter
A = 2.5 (m) - width
2.5 * 4 = 10 (m) - length
A: the rectangle is 2.5 meters wide and 10 meters long
Choose me as the best answer! Thank you

A rectangular flower bed. 18 meters long and 15 meters wide. Add one meter floor tiles around the flower bed. How many square meters is the floor tile area


There is a flower bed 25 meters long and 20 meters wide. If a 3 meter wide path is built around the flower bed (as shown in the figure), what is the area of the path?

(25 + 3 + 3) × (20 + 3 + 3) - 25 × 20, = 31 × 26-500, = 806-500, = 306 (square meters). A: the area of the path is 306 square meters