How many degrees is the sum of the internal angles of a triangle

How many degrees is the sum of the internal angles of a triangle

The sum of the interior angles is a fixed value, 180 degrees. You can think of an equilateral triangle. Each angle is 60 degrees,

On Roche geometry and Riemannian geometry
How to explain the two axioms of "from a point outside a line, at least two lines can be made parallel to this line" in Roche geometry and "through a point outside a line, no line can be made parallel to a known line" in Riemannian geometry

Rogowski geometry is actually built on a surface with a negative constant Gaussian curvature. If you learn differential geometry, you can easily understand it
The main reason is that the straight line of this kind of surface is different from the straight line on the plane
Riemannian geometry is on a surface with normal Gaussian curvature, that is, a sphere. It's easy to understand that a line on a sphere is a big circle. You can try it and see if it satisfies the fifth postulate

In the acute triangle ABC, AB is two of the equations X & # 178; - 2 √ 3x + 2 = 0, and the angle AB satisfies 2Sin (a + b) - √ 3 = 0. Find the angle c, edge C and s △ ABC

Sinc = √ 3 / 2, the triangle is an acute triangle, C = 60 degree
From Veda's theorem
a+b=2√3 ab=2
From cosine theorem

If the hypotenuse is 2, the area of the triangle will be evaluated as a fixed value no matter what the value of AB is

The perimeter of right triangle is 2 + radical 5, the length of two right sides is ab, and the hypotenuse is 2
So a + B = radical 5
Another right triangle
From Pythagorean Theorem A ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = C ^ 2 = 4
Area of triangle = AB / 2 = ((a + b) ^ 2-A ^ 2 + B ^ 2) / 4 = (5-4) / 4 = 1 / 4

Let a and B be the two right sides of a right triangle. If the perimeter of the triangle is 6 and the length of the hypotenuse is 2.5, then the value of AB is ()
A. 1.5B. 2C. 2.5D. 3

The perimeter of ∵ triangle is 6, the length of hypotenuse is 2.5, ∵ a + B + 2.5 = 6, ∵ a + B = 3.5, ① ∵ A and B are the two right sides of right triangle, ∵ A2 + B2 = 2.52, ② AB = 3 can be obtained from ① and ②, so D