On the differences of physical concepts What's the difference and connection between centripetal acceleration and gravitational acceleration? I really don't know. I hope you can help me!

On the differences of physical concepts What's the difference and connection between centripetal acceleration and gravitational acceleration? I really don't know. I hope you can help me!

A is the centripetal acceleration maintaining the circular motion of the object, pointing to the center of the moving orbit (not the center of the earth, but the intersection of the circular plane at the latitude of the object and the earth's axis)
G is the acceleration of gravity, and the sum of G and a is the acceleration provided by gravity
Therefore, G is not the acceleration provided by gravity, just because a is very small and can be ignored, so G can be approximately regarded as the acceleration provided by gravity

How to distinguish some concepts in Physics
Rate and average rate

Speed has size and direction
Speed is only of size
Speed and speed refer to the instantaneous speed at a certain time
Average speed and average rate are the average over a period of time

What's the difference between definition and meaning

Definition is the most strict definition of a thing, and meaning is the meaning you understand from the definition. It is your understanding of the definition from your own point of view. It may be incomplete, or it may be that the definition itself has not been described literally

The difference between meaning and meaning

Meaning refers to the meaning contained in a thing itself
Meaning refers to the effect of the existence of a thing on the environment or other things
One is its own meaning, and the other mainly refers to the external influence, that is, the meaning contains the meaning of meaning, but it also has the meaning of value and function. So the meaning is more extensive than the content of meaning