What is the definition of the least common multiple?

What is the definition of the least common multiple?

If there is a natural number a that can be divided by natural number B, then a is called the multiple of B, and B is the divisor of A. for two integers, it refers to the smallest of the common multiple of the two numbers. When calculating the least common multiple, it is usually aided by the largest Convention number. Where 4 is the smallest common multiple, which is called their least common multiple. For example

The definition and properties of the five centers of triangle
It's better to be a little bit more complete,
And the nature

Inner: the intersection of the three angular bisectors is also the center of the inscribed circle of the triangle. Properties: the distance to the three sides is equal. Outer center: the intersection of the three vertical lines is also the center of the circumscribed circle of the triangle. Properties: the distance to the three vertices is equal. Gravity center: the intersection of the three midlines. Properties: the distance from the three midlines to the vertex is to

Definition and properties of center of gravity, inner center and outer center of triangle

The so-called "four centers" of a triangle refer to four special points formed by the intersection of four important line segments of a triangle. They are the inner center, outer center, perpendicular center and center of gravity of a triangle
1. Center
The heights of the three sides of a triangle meet at a point called the perpendicular of the triangle
2. Center of gravity
The center lines of the three sides of a triangle meet at a point, which is called the center of gravity of the triangle
3. The intersection of the middle and vertical lines of the three sides of the triangle is at a point, which is called the center of the circumscribed circle of the triangle
4. The bisectors of the three inner angles of a triangle meet at a point, which is called the center of the inscribed circle of the triangle,
The intersection of the center lines on the three sides of the center of gravity
The intersection of three heights perpendicular to the center
The intersection of the bisectors of the three corners of the inner inscribed circle
The intersection of the vertical bisectors of the three sides of the center of a circumscribed circle
There is also a center called paracenter: the intersection of the bisector of the outer corner (there are three), or the center of the circumscribed circle (or the center of the circumscribed circle) has only the center of an equilateral triangle. At this time, the center of gravity, the inner center, the outer center, the perpendicular center, and the four centers are in one

The definition and properties of several centers of triangle

Inner: the intersection of the three angular bisectors is also the center of the inscribed circle of the triangle. Properties: the distance to the three sides is equal. Outer center: the intersection of the three vertical lines is also the center of the circumscribed circle of the triangle. Properties: the distance to the three vertices is equal. Gravity center: the intersection of the three midlines. Properties: the distance from the three midlines to the vertex is to