Build a building. The actual investment is 3 million yuan, 600000 yuan more than the plan. How much more than the plan? The distance between a and B is 120 kilometers. Xiaogang took a bus from a to B for 72 kilometers. What's the rest of the journey? A car runs 40% of the whole journey and is 27 kilometers away from the destination. How many kilometers are there in the whole journey? Five grade 50 people practice shooting, each hit 2 bullets, a total of 96 hits Last year, the TV factory produced 8400 color TV sets, an increase of 20% over the previous year. How many color TV sets were produced the previous year? Play a canal, the first day to dig 20%, the next day to dig 60%, there are 320 meters left to dig. How long is this canal

Build a building. The actual investment is 3 million yuan, 600000 yuan more than the plan. How much more than the plan? The distance between a and B is 120 kilometers. Xiaogang took a bus from a to B for 72 kilometers. What's the rest of the journey? A car runs 40% of the whole journey and is 27 kilometers away from the destination. How many kilometers are there in the whole journey? Five grade 50 people practice shooting, each hit 2 bullets, a total of 96 hits Last year, the TV factory produced 8400 color TV sets, an increase of 20% over the previous year. How many color TV sets were produced the previous year? Play a canal, the first day to dig 20%, the next day to dig 60%, there are 320 meters left to dig. How long is this canal

1 60÷(300-60)=25%
2 (120-72)÷120=40%
3 27 (1-40%) = 45 km
4 8400 (1 + 20%) = 7000 sets
5 320 ÷ (1-20% - 60%) = 1600 M

Left view of the dotted line can not think out, please send a restore map, do not perfunctory thanks

When they give the answer, I'll tell you how to do it. For the three view problem, you can draw a cuboid first, and then connect lines inside. You can draw a top view first
Try it. It's very simple. I hope this method can help you

Please help me find out the concepts of integer division, multiple, factor, prime number, composite number and decomposition prime factor in Grade 1 to grade 6 of primary school. I don't know where my book sleeps, so please help me!
Now it's on the Ji education press!

If a △ B = C (ABC is an integer, B ≠ 0), then a can be divided by B, B can divide a, a is a multiple of B, B is a factor of A
The number that can be divided by two is called even number, and the number that cannot be divided by two is called odd number
The maximum factor of a number is itself, and the minimum factor is 1
The minimum multiple of a number is itself. There is no maximum multiple
Except for 1 and itself, a number that has no other factors is called a prime number (prime number 0)
In addition to 1 and himself, there are other factors called sum numbers
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 1, and the two numbers are coprime
The method of finding the greatest common factor and the least common multiple
Two numbers are coprime, the greatest common factor is 1, and the least common factor is their product
The greatest common factor is a decimal and the least common multiple is a large number
General relations, using short division
The smallest even number 0, the smallest odd number 1
The smallest prime 2, the smallest sum 4
The smallest one digit one
I'm in grade six, too

The concept of primary school mathematics
Grade one and grade six

The area of triangle = base × height △ 2. Formula s = a × h △ 2
Square area = side length × side length formula s = a × a
The area of rectangle = length × width formula s = a × B
The area of parallelogram = base × height formula s = a × H
Area of trapezoid = (upper bottom + lower bottom) × height △ 2 Formula s = (a + b) H △ 2
Sum of internal angles: sum of internal angles of triangle = 180 degrees
Cuboid volume = length × width × height formula: v = ABH
Cuboid (or cube) volume = base area × height formula: v = ABH
Volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length formula: v = AAA
The formula of circle circumference = diameter × π: l = π d = 2 π R
The area of circle = radius × radius × π formula: S = π R2
Surface (side) area of a cylinder: the surface (side) area of a cylinder is equal to the circumference of the bottom multiplied by the height. Formula: S = ch = π DH = 2 π RH
Surface area of a cylinder: the surface area of a cylinder is equal to the circumference of the bottom multiplied by the height plus the area of the circles at both ends. Formula: S = ch + 2S = ch + 2 π R2
Volume of cylinder: the volume of cylinder is equal to the area of bottom multiplied by height. Formula: v = sh
The volume of the cone is 1 / 3 of the bottom surface × the product height. The formula is v = 1 / 3SH
The law of addition and subtraction of fractions: the fractions with the same denominator are added and subtracted, only the numerator is added and subtracted, and the denominator is not changed. The fractions with different denominators are added and subtracted first, and then added and subtracted
The multiplication rule of fractions: use the product of molecules as molecules and the product of denominators as denominators
Division of fractions: dividing by a number is equal to multiplying by the reciprocal of the number
Read and understand the following definition theorem property formula
1、 Arithmetic
1. Additive commutative law: two numbers are added to exchange the position of addends, and the sum remains unchanged
2. The law of combination of addition: three numbers are added, the first two numbers are added, or the second two numbers are added first, and then the third number is added, and the sum is unchanged
3. Commutative law of multiplication: multiplication of two numbers, commutative factor position, product unchanged
4. Law of combination of multiplication: when three numbers are multiplied, the first two numbers are multiplied first, or the second two numbers are multiplied first, and then the third number is multiplied, and their product remains unchanged
5. The law of distribution by multiplication: multiplication of two numbers and the same number, two addends can be multiplied by the same number respectively, and then the two products can be added, and the result will not change
For example: (2 + 4) × 5 = 2 × 5 + 4 × 5
6. The nature of division: in division, the divisor and the divisor expand (or reduce) the same multiple at the same time, and the quotient remains unchanged. O divided by any number that is not o will get o
Simple multiplication: multiplication with o at the end of the multiplicand and multiplicator, you can multiply the one in front of O first, zero does not participate in the operation, and several zeros fall down and are added at the end of the product
7. What is an equation? An equation in which the number on the left side of the equal sign is equal to the number on the right side of the equal sign
It's called equality
The basic properties of the equation: both sides of the equation multiply (or divide) the same number at the same time,
The equation still holds
8. What is an equation? A: an equation with unknowns is an equation
9. What is a unary linear equation? A: an equation that contains an unknown number and the number of unknowns is once is called a unary linear equation
Learn the example method and calculation of linear equation of one variable, that is, give the formula with χ and calculate
10. Fraction: the unit "1" is divided into several parts equally, representing such a fraction or fraction
11. The law of addition and subtraction of fractions: add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, only add and subtract molecules with the same denominator. Add and subtract fractions with different denominators, and then add and subtract
12. Comparison of fractions: compared with fractions with the same denominator, fractions with larger numerator are larger and fractions with smaller numerator are smaller. Compared with fractions with different denominators, fractions with the same denominator are divided first and then compared. If the numerator is the same, fractions with larger denominator are smaller
13. The numerator is the product of the numerator of a fraction multiplied by an integer, with the denominator unchanged
14. A fraction multiplied by a fraction uses the product of multiplication of molecules as the numerator and the product of multiplication of denominators as the denominator
15. A fraction divided by an integer (except 0) is a fraction multiplied by the reciprocal of the integer
16. True fraction: fraction whose numerator is smaller than denominator is called true fraction
17. False fraction: fraction whose numerator is larger than denominator or whose numerator and denominator are equal is called false fraction. False fraction is greater than or equal to 1
18. With fraction: the false fraction written in the form of integer and true fraction is called with fraction
19. The basic property of fraction: the numerator and denominator of fraction multiply or divide by the same number at the same time
Except 0, the size of the fraction remains unchanged
20. A number divided by a fraction is equal to the number multiplied by the reciprocal of the fraction
21. Number a divided by number B (except 0) is equal to the reciprocal of number a multiplied by number B
1. Unit price × quantity = total price 2. Unit output × quantity = total output
3. Speed × time = distance 4, work efficiency × time = total amount of work
5. Addend + addend = and one addend = and + another addend
Subtracted - subtracted = subtracted = subtracted - subtracted = subtracted + subtracted
Factor × factor = product one factor = product △ another factor
Divisor / divisor = quotient divisor = divisor / quotient divisor = quotient × divisor
Division with remainder: dividend = quotient × divisor + remainder
If a number is divided by two numbers in succession, the latter two numbers can be multiplied first, and then their product can be used to remove the number, and the result remains unchanged
6. 1km = 1km 1km = 1000M
1 meter = 10 decimeter 1 decimeter = 10 cm 1 cm = 10 mm
1 square meter = 100 square decimeter 1 square decimeter = 100 square centimeter
1 sq cm = 100 sq mm
1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter 1 cubic decimeter = 1000 cubic centimeter
1 cubic centimeter = 1000 cubic millimeter
1t = 1000kg 1kg = 1000g = 1kg = 1kg
1 hectare = 10000 square meters. 1 mu = 666.666 square meters
1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter = 1000 ml 1 ml = 1 cubic centimeter
7. What is ratio: the division of two numbers is called the ratio of two numbers. For example: 2 / 5 or 3:6 or 1 / 3
The first and second terms of the ratio are multiplied or divided by the same number (except 0), and the ratio remains unchanged
8. What is the ratio: the formula that indicates that two ratios are equal is called the ratio. For example, 3:6 = 9:18
9. The basic nature of proportion: in proportion, the product of two external terms equals the product of two internal terms
10. Solution proportion: finding the unknown term in the proportion is called solution proportion. For example, 3: χ = 9:18
11. Positive proportion: two related quantities, one of which changes and the other changes. If the corresponding ratio (i.e. quotient K) of the two quantities is fixed, the two quantities are called positive proportion quantities, and their relationship is called positive proportion relations. For example, Y / x = K (k is fixed) or KX = y
12. Inverse proportion: two related quantities, one of which changes, and the other changes with it. If the product of the two numbers corresponding to the two quantities is fixed, the two quantities are called inverse proportion quantities, and their relationship is called inverse proportion relations. For example, X × y = K (k is fixed) or K / x = y
Percentage: a number that represents the percentage of one number to another is called percentage. Percentage is also called percentage or percentage
13. To convert a decimal into a percentage, just move the decimal point two places to the right and add a percentage sign after it. In fact, to convert a decimal into a percentage, just multiply the decimal by 100%
To convert a percentage into a decimal, just remove the percentage sign and move the decimal point two places to the left
14. To convert fractions into percentages, we usually convert fractions into decimals first (three decimal places are usually reserved when there is not enough Division), and then convert decimals into percentages. In fact, to convert fractions into percentages, we should first convert fractions into decimals, and then multiply them by 100%
Change percentage into fraction, first rewrite percentage into fraction, and those that can be reduced into simplest fraction
15. We should learn how to change decimal into fraction and how to change fraction into decimal
16. Greatest common divisor: several numbers can be divided by the same number at one time. This number is called the greatest common divisor of these numbers. (or the common divisor of several numbers is called the common divisor of these numbers. The largest one is called the greatest common divisor.)
17. Coprime number: two numbers with only one common divisor are called coprime numbers
18. Least common multiple: the common multiple of several numbers is called the common multiple of these numbers, and the smallest one is called the least common multiple of these numbers
19. General division: the division of fractions with different denominators into fractions with the same denominator, which are equal to the original fraction, is called general division
20. Reduction: the reduction of a fraction into a fraction equal to it, but with smaller numerator and denominator, is called reduction. (reduction uses the greatest common divisor)
Simplest fraction: the fraction whose numerator and denominator are coprime numbers is called the simplest fraction
At the end of the score calculation, the result must be reduced to the simplest score
The numbers with 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 on each digit can be divided by 2, that is, they can be divided by 2
The number of 0 or 5 on a digit can be divided by 5, that is to say, it can be divided by 5
Even and odd numbers: numbers divisible by two are called even numbers. Numbers not divisible by two are called odd numbers
Prime number: if a number has only one and its two divisors, such a number is called prime number
Composite number: a number is called composite if it has other divisors besides 1 and itself. 1 is neither prime nor composite
28. Interest = principal × interest rate × time
Interest rate: the ratio of interest to principal is called interest rate. The ratio of one year's interest to principal is called annual interest rate. The ratio of one month's interest to principal is called monthly interest rate
Natural number: an integer used to represent the number of objects, called natural number. 0 is also a natural number
31. Circulating decimal: a decimal, from a certain place of the decimal part, a number or several numbers repeatedly appear in turn. Such a decimal is called circulating decimal. For example, 3. 141414
32. Non circulating decimal: a decimal, starting from the decimal part, does not have a number or several numbers repeatedly appear in turn, such a decimal is called non circulating decimal
Such as 3. 141592654
33. Infinite acyclic decimal