As shown in the figure, a, B, C three objects stacked together, in the horizontal force F1 = F2 = 5N, at the same speed on the horizontal table uniform motion How much friction does object B have on a? How much friction does object B have on C? How much friction does the ground have on C?

As shown in the figure, a, B, C three objects stacked together, in the horizontal force F1 = F2 = 5N, at the same speed on the horizontal table uniform motion How much friction does object B have on a? How much friction does object B have on C? How much friction does the ground have on C?

A. B, C as a whole, uniform speed, combined with external force of 0, so the bottom surface friction of C is 0;
Take horizontal left as positive direction
For a: horizontal direction, do uniform motion, so f = 0 = f1-f, so f = F1 = 5N
For B: because C moves at a constant speed and the friction force between the ground and C is 0, the friction force between B and C is 0

A. B two objects are stacked on the horizontal table, a is above and B is below. Under the joint action of two horizontal forces F1 and F2, they move to the right at the same speed V. It is known that F1 = 5N and F2 = 3N, so why is the friction force between object B and the horizontal table 0n
Why is the friction between a and B equal to the friction between B and a, and why is it interaction
If you clap someone's hand, is the force you receive equal to the force you clap

By the Title Meaning: "under the joint action of two horizontal forces F1 and F2, they move to the right at the same speed V. It is known that F1 = 5N, F2 = 3N". It can be seen that F1 moves to the right horizontally, while F2 moves to the left horizontally

As shown in the figure, objects a, B and C are stacked on the horizontal table, and the horizontal force F acts on Object C, making a, B and C move to the right at the same speed. Then the correct statement about several forces on the object is ()
A. A & nbsp; receives 6, B receives 2, C receives 4, B. A & nbsp; receives 5, B receives 3, C receives 3, C. A & nbsp; receives 5, B receives 2, C receives 4, d. A & nbsp; receives 6, B receives 3, C receives 4

Take C as the research object, analyze the force: gravity, pull force F and a support force to C upward and static friction force to C left, a total of four forces. Take B as the research object, analyze the force: gravity and a support force, a total of two forces. Take a as the research object, analyze the force: gravity, B pressure, C pressure and friction force, ground support force and friction force, a total of six forces

An object with a mass of 2kg is placed on a horizontal table and moves at a constant speed along the table under the horizontal pulling force of F1 = 2n. If the object is pulled horizontally with a force of F2 = 5N instead, the acceleration of the object is calculated. If the pulling force is removed after 5S, how far can the object slide?

When f = 5N, acceleration a = (F - F) / M = 3 / 2 = 1.5 m / S ^ 2T = 5S, v = 1.5 × 5 = 7.5 M / s. after removing the force, the table moves at a constant speed a = f / M = - 1 m / S ^ 2, so the sliding time is t sliding