A cylinder with a diameter of 5cm at the bottom and a height of 12cm is cut into two and a half cylinders along the diameter, and the surface area increases () Come on, as long as it turns out

A cylinder with a diameter of 5cm at the bottom and a height of 12cm is cut into two and a half cylinders along the diameter, and the surface area increases () Come on, as long as it turns out

Surface area increased (12cm)

A cylinder with a base area of 5 cm in diameter and a height of 12 cm is cut into half cylinders along the diameter. How many square centimeters has the surface area increased?

Two rectangular sections are added, with diameter of wide and height of long, 5 * 12 * 2 = 120 square centimeters

Cut a cylinder with a diameter of 10cm at the bottom and a height of 12cm into two and a half cylinders along the diameter. What's the surface area

Cut a cylinder into two and a half cylinders, then its surface area will be two more rectangles, that is, the area of diameter × height. Knowing this, this problem is easy to do
Surface area of cylinder:
Additional area:
Total surface area: 240 + 533.8 = 773.8 (CM & # 178;)
A: the surface area is 773.8 square centimeters
I hope my answer can help you,