Take three points a, B and C which are not on the same line as the three vertices to make parallelograms with different shapes. A total of () A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 d. 4

Take three points a, B and C which are not on the same line as the three vertices to make parallelograms with different shapes. A total of () A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 d. 4

As shown in the figure, points a, B, C can be used to make three parallelograms: ▱ ABCD, ▱ abfc, ▱ aebc

If three points that are no longer on the same line are taken as the three vertices of a parallelogram, several parallelograms can be made,
I hope you can tell me something


Take four points which are not on the same line as the vertex to make a parallelogram
How many can you do at most

It is difficult to determine whether the four points are parallelograms because they are not on the same line
Three points not on the same line are parallelograms for vertices, up to 3