How many days are there in a leap year?

How many days are there in a leap year?

366 days
Leap year is set up to make up for the time difference between the annual number of days and the earth's actual revolution cycle caused by man-made calendar
There are 366 days in leap year (31 days, 29 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 31 days, 31 days, 31 days, 31 days, 31 days from January to December). In addition, there is the American comedy "leap year"

How many days is a leap year

Leap year is set up to make up for the time difference between the annual number of days and the earth's actual revolution cycle caused by man-made calendar. The year that makes up the time difference is leap year. There are 366 days in leap year (31 days from January to December)

How many days are there in the first half of a leap year

182 days, January, March, May 31 days, April, June 30 days, February 29 days, please accept

In the first quarter of the year______ In the first half of a leap year______ Day

In the first quarter of a normal year: 31 × 2 + 28 = 90 (days); in the first half of a leap year: 31 × 3 + 29 + 30 × 2 = 93 + 29 + 60 = 182 (days)