About the time zone of the earth 1. Since the time of the East and west regions is the same (the light is the same), why is there a difference of one day? 2. When the earth turns from west to East, which region is the first to see the sun? 3, Why can't we say that the east time zone sees the sun before the west time zone? Why can't we think that the west time zone sees the sun before the east time zone? (I think the earth is a sphere, assuming that the earth is stationary at first, but when it first rotates, the first place to see the sun is not necessarily the east time zone!)

About the time zone of the earth 1. Since the time of the East and west regions is the same (the light is the same), why is there a difference of one day? 2. When the earth turns from west to East, which region is the first to see the sun? 3, Why can't we say that the east time zone sees the sun before the west time zone? Why can't we think that the west time zone sees the sun before the east time zone? (I think the earth is a sphere, assuming that the earth is stationary at first, but when it first rotates, the first place to see the sun is not necessarily the east time zone!)

1. When you see the sun in the East 12, it will take 12 hours for the central time zone (such as London) in the west to see the sun. When you go west to the West 12, you will have to wait 24 hours to see the sun. So the whole difference is one day (24 hours). This is to facilitate the unification of the world and to know the time of other places. Just like now at 10:30 in the evening, we are in the East 8, And New York is in west five, 8 + 5 = 13, so it's 9:30 in the day
2. Of course, the east 12th district sees the sun first. Because it has been defined internationally, although the West 12th district also sees the sun, it is still "yesterday", so the answer is the east 12th district
3. We define it in this way in order to better distinguish the time of different places. Just like the sun, if we call everything we look up and see "the sun", the moon is also called "the sun", and the stars are also called "the sun", it is difficult to study which celestial body how to operate, because there are too many "too many" and it is easy to confuse! So we divide the time zone
Let's say that at first the earth is at rest, and it's just morning in the east 12th district, and the sun has just seen. OK, now the earth begins to turn from west to East, and then it turns to the East 11th district, and then east 10th District, East 9th District, East 8th District East one, central time zone, west one, west two West 12! West 12 is 24 hours late to see the sun, isn't it?

How many time zones does the earth have?

According to the international meridian conference in 1884, the world is divided into 24 time zones according to longitude, each of which accounts for 15 degrees of longitude. The time zone with the primary meridian as the central meridian is the zero time zone, which is divided into 12 zones from the zero time zone to the East and West respectively. The East and West 12 zones are half time zones, and the local time of 180 ° meridian is used together

Earth time zone

Time zone overview: the earth always rotates from west to East. The East always sees the sun before the west, and the time in the East is always earlier than that in the West. The difference between the east time and the west time should be calculated not only in hours, but also in minutes and seconds, which brings a lot of inconvenience to people's daily life and work