Uncle Li deposited 3000 yuan with an annual interest rate of 3.60%. After maturity, he received 102.6 yuan of after tax interest. How many years has Uncle Li entered the bank for 3000 yuan? (5% for interest tax)

Uncle Li deposited 3000 yuan with an annual interest rate of 3.60%. After maturity, he received 102.6 yuan of after tax interest. How many years has Uncle Li entered the bank for 3000 yuan? (5% for interest tax)

If it has been deposited in the bank for X years, then
The solution is x = 1
Deposit for 1 year

Uncle Li deposits 5000 yuan to the bank, and the annual interest rate is 3.06%. How many yuan can he get when he matures in two years? How much is the interest after tax? How much is the principal and interest after tax?

5000 × 3.06% × 2 = 153 × 2 = 306 (yuan) 306 × (1-20%) = 306 × 0.8 = 244.8 (yuan) 5000 + 244.8 = 5244.8 (yuan) answer: after 2 years, the interest due is 306 yuan, the interest after tax is 244.8 yuan, and the principal and interest after tax is 5244.8 yuan