Aunt Zhang deposits 2000 yuan into the bank for three years. If the annual interest rate is 2.70%, how many yuan can she withdraw the principal and interest when it matures?

Aunt Zhang deposits 2000 yuan into the bank for three years. If the annual interest rate is 2.70%, how many yuan can she withdraw the principal and interest when it matures?

Interest: 2000 × 2.7% × 3 = 162
How much are the principal and interest: 2000 + 162 = 2162 yuan

Aunt Zhang took out 10000 yuan from her business income and deposited it in the bank, donating the interest to "Hope Project" every two years
Please design the way of reserve for him. What would you do? Why? (the annual interest rate is 3% for one-year deposit and 3.75% for two-year deposit.)

If you deposit two years directly, the interest = 10000 * 3.75% * 2 = 750 yuan
If it is accumulated year by year, the interest = 10000 * (1 + 3%) ^ 2-10000 = 609 yuan
So it's better to deposit two-year fixed deposit directly and get more interest