Auntie Wang deposits 6000 yuan into the bank for two years with an annual interest rate of 2.79%. How much interest is due after maturity? After deducting the interest tax, how much is Auntie Wang's total?

Auntie Wang deposits 6000 yuan into the bank for two years with an annual interest rate of 2.79%. How much interest is due after maturity? After deducting the interest tax, how much is Auntie Wang's total?

1.6000 times 2 times 2.79% = 334.8 yuan
2.6000 times 2 times 2.79% = 334.8 yuan, 334.8 times (1-5%) = 318.26 yuan, 6000 + 318.26 = 6318.26 yuan

My mother deposits 4000 yuan in the bank for three years with an annual interest rate of 5.40%. After maturity, how much is the mother's after tax interest? (the interest rate is 5%)

My mother deposits 4000 yuan in the bank for three years with an annual interest rate of 5.40%,
After maturity, mother gets after tax interest = 4000 * 5.4% * 3 * (1-5%) = 615.6 yuan

Li Ma to bank deposit 5000 yuan, fixed for two years, annual interest rate of 3.5%, after maturity how much interest

Fixed interest is calculated according to simple interest, 5000 yuan, fixed for two years, annual interest rate of 3.5%, interest after maturity: 5000 * 3.5% * 2 = 350