The annual interest rate of a year's fixed deposit in the bank is 2.25%. Xiaoming's mother takes out the deposit due in one year, and the withdrawal is 20% interest tax on behalf of the bank. The actual after tax interest taken out is 18 yuan. How many yuan has Xiaoming's mother saved? Try to list the equation

The annual interest rate of a year's fixed deposit in the bank is 2.25%. Xiaoming's mother takes out the deposit due in one year, and the withdrawal is 20% interest tax on behalf of the bank. The actual after tax interest taken out is 18 yuan. How many yuan has Xiaoming's mother saved? Try to list the equation

Let Xiao Ming's mother save X Yuan,
A: Xiaoming's mother saved 1000 yuan

The annual interest rate of a year's fixed deposit in the bank is 2.25%. My mother took out the principal and interest due in two years and deducted 54 yuan of interest tax. How much is the principal deposited by my mother?

54 / 20% / 2 / 2.25% = 270 / 2 / 2.25% = 135 / 2.25% = 6000 yuan a: my mother's principal deposited in the bank is 6000 yuan

Xiao Ming's mother deposits 4000 yuan in the bank for five years at an annual interest rate of 2.88%. When it matures, how much yuan can Xiao Ming's mother get after tax interest?
Find the formula!
The result is 460.8 yuan

Interest = principal times interest rate times time = 4000 * 2.88% * 5 = 576. Now interest is not taxed, so after tax is before tax
Plus 4576 yuan of principal due

The annual interest rate of a year's fixed deposit in the bank is 2.25%. My mother took out the principal and interest due in two years and deducted 54 yuan of interest tax. How much is the principal deposited by my mother?

54 / 20% / 2 / 2.25% = 270 / 2 / 2.25% = 135 / 2.25% = 6000 yuan a: my mother's principal deposited in the bank is 6000 yuan