How to read English on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday It's better to type out the pronunciation

How to read English on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday It's better to type out the pronunciation

Monday ['m &; NDI,'m &; ndei] n tju:zdi ]N. Tuesday ['wenzdei, 'wenzdi] n. Wednesday ['θ & # 601;: zdi] n. Thursday ['fraidi] n. Friday ['s & aelig; T & # 601; Di] n. Friday ['s & aelig; T & # 601; Di] n

A 42 episode TV series starts broadcasting on Sunday, two episodes a day from Monday to Friday and Sunday, and one episode on Saturday
Q: what day is the last episode on the air? If you want to answer in detail, you have to be more careful in the process. I'll add more points! Urgent!

According to the seven day cycle from Sunday to Saturday, 13 episodes (2 * 6 + 1) can be broadcasted every week, and 39 episodes (13 * 3) can be broadcasted in the first three cycles. The fourth cycle starts from Sunday, and there are still two episodes of 40, 41 and 42 episodes every day, so episode 42 will be broadcasted on Monday*-*