An 84 episode TV series starts broadcasting on a Sunday, one episode every day from Monday to Friday and Sunday, and stops broadcasting on Saturday?

An 84 episode TV series starts broadcasting on a Sunday, one episode every day from Monday to Friday and Sunday, and stops broadcasting on Saturday?

Because 84 △ 6 = 14, there is no remainder, so the last episode will be broadcast on Friday

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


If today is Friday, the first day in 57 days is Friday______ .

57 / 7, = 57 / 7, = 8 (weeks) The remainder is one, and one more day after Friday is Saturday

May has 31 days. If there are five Saturdays and Sundays, what day is the 1st? (more than one answer)

One two three four five six one two three four five six
1 2 1
3 9 2 8
10 10 9 15
17 23 16 22
24 30 23 29
31 30 31
To ensure that there must be five Saturdays and Sundays, we can see from the above that the first is Friday and Saturday
Of course, it has to happen in different years