Aunt Wang deposits 5000 yuan into the bank for three years. If the annual interest rate is 3.24%, how much after tax interest can he get after maturity

Aunt Wang deposits 5000 yuan into the bank for three years. If the annual interest rate is 3.24%, how much after tax interest can he get after maturity

Pre tax interest is:
5000 × 3.24% × 3 = 486.00 yuan
I don't know when this deposit was deposited, because the interest tax of deposit is different in different periods
Before August 15, 2007, 20% interest tax will be deducted. From August 15, 2007 to October 9, 2008, 5% interest tax will be deducted. After October 9, 2008, banks will be exempted from deposit interest tax
According to the deposit interest rate, the deposit was deposited after the bank adjusted the deposit on October 292004. At that time, 20% interest tax should be deducted
Then the after tax interest is: 486 × (1-20%) = 388.80 yuan

Auntie Wang deposits 30000 yuan into the bank for two years at a fixed time, with an annual interest rate of 4.68%. When it comes to maturity, how many yuan can Auntie Wang get in total in terms of principal and interest

30000 yuan = 30000 yuan interest: 30000 × 2 × 4.68% = 2808 yuan
30000 + 2808 = 32808 (yuan)