Uncle Li deposited his 5000 yuan savings in the bank for two years, with an annual interest rate of 4.68%. After maturity, how much principal and after tax interest can Uncle Li get back

Uncle Li deposited his 5000 yuan savings in the bank for two years, with an annual interest rate of 4.68%. After maturity, how much principal and after tax interest can Uncle Li get back

That's it

Uncle Li deposits 50000 yuan into the bank for two years at an annual interest rate of 3.90%. How much yuan can Uncle Li pay when it matures? (5% interest tax)

After tax interest = principal × interest rate × deposit term × (1-tax rate)
After tax interest = 50000 × 3.90% × 2 × (1-5%) = 3705 yuan
Sum of principal and interest = 50000 + 3705 = 53705 yuan

In December 2007, Uncle Li deposited 100000 yuan in the bank for two years. If the annual interest rate is 4.68%, and the interest tax is deducted after two years, can he buy a 6000 yuan color TV with the interest?

100000 × 4.68% × 2 = 9360 (yuan), 9360 × (1-5%) = 8892 (yuan), 8892 > 6000; answer: the interest can buy a color TV with a price of 6000 yuan

In December 2007, Uncle Li deposited 100000 yuan in the bank for two years. If the annual interest rate is 4.68%, and the interest tax is deducted after two years, can he buy a 6000 yuan color TV with the interest?

100000 × 4.68% × 2 = 9360 (yuan), 9360 × (1-5%) = 8892 (yuan), 8892 > 6000; answer: the interest can buy a color TV with a price of 6000 yuan