November 29th, 2011 is the date of the solar calendar. And February 12th, 2012 is the date of the lunar calendar I'm really in a hurry

November 29th, 2011 is the date of the solar calendar. And February 12th, 2012 is the date of the lunar calendar I'm really in a hurry

November 29 of the lunar calendar in 2011 is December 23 of the Gregorian calendar;
February 12 of the Gregorian calendar in 2012 is the 21st day of the first month of the lunar calendar;

How many days are there from March 20, 2011 to February 12, 2012?

365-28-8 = 329 days

How many days are there from July 2 to December 31, 2012

July 2-31: 30 days
August: 31 days
September: 30 days
October: 31 days
November: 30 days
December: 1-27: 31 days
Total: 184 days (183 days excluding December 31)

Uncle Li put 3000 yuan into the bank for lump sum deposit and withdrawal. The annual interest rate is 5.50%. How much is Uncle Li's principal plus interest when it matures?
No interest tax

3000 × 5.5% × 5 + 3000 = 3825 (yuan). Interest formula: principal × interest rate × time. Sina blog "struggling big wolf and happy ocean" hopes to solve your problem