What is the per capita share of water resources in China? What is the per capita level of the world?

What is the per capita share of water resources in China? What is the per capita level of the world?

The total amount of freshwater resources in the world is 46666667 million m3, while that in China is 28000 billion m3, accounting for 6% of the world's water resources, ranking fourth only after Brazil, Russia and Canada, but the per capita is only 2200 m3, only 1 / 4 of the world average level, and the United States is 1 / 5, ranking 121st in the world, The available water resources per capita is about 900 m3, and its distribution is very uneven. It is one of the 13 countries with the poorest water resources per capita in the world

China's per capita water resources is about 2200 cubic meters, which is one fourth of the world's per capita water resources. How many cubic meters less is China's per capita water resources than the world's per capita water resources

2200 × (1-1 / 4) = 1650 M3
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According to statistics, in 2011, the world's per capita cultivated land area was 2500 square meters, but how many square meters is China's per capita cultivated land area?