Suppose today is Monday, what day will it be in 3 ^ 100 days

Suppose today is Monday, what day will it be in 3 ^ 100 days

The original formula = (3 ^ 6) ^ 16 * 3 ^ 4, because the remainder of 3 ^ 6 divided by 7 is 1, so the remainder of (3 ^ 6) ^ 16 divided by 7 is also 1 (this is the theorem). In addition, the remainder of 3 ^ 4 divided by 7 is 4, so the remainder of the original formula divided by 7 is 1 * 4 = 4, so another 3 ^ 100 days is the last four of Monday

Today is Monday. From tomorrow, what day is 7K? What day is 100th?

Day 7K is Monday
Day 100: 100 △ 7 = 14 So it's Wednesday

If today is Wednesday, what day is the 100th day from today?

Today is Wednesday, the 98th day is Tuesday, the 99th day is Wednesday, and the 100th day is Thursday

Today is Tuesday. What day is the 100th day from today? Do you know how to do it

It's Thursday!
Divide 100 by 7 (a week is 7 days) to get 14 (weeks) and 2 (days)
So on Tuesday, after two days is Thursday~~~~~

Today is Wednesday. What day is it after 100?

Seven days a week, divide 100 by 7, and then you get 14 or 2
14 weeks is a cycle. Don't worry about it
This year is Wednesday, because there are two days left to add
So a hundred days later it's Friday

Today is Tuesday. What day is the 100th day from today?
What's the formula

Today is Tuesday. The cycle of a week is 7. Dividing 100 by 7 equals 14 plus 2. The fourteenth cycle is just Tuesday, so two days from Tuesday is called Thursday. You can make a week table

January 4, 2009 is Monday. What day is June 1, 2009?

If August 22, 2009 is a Saturday, then December 18, 2009 is a day of the week. The total number of days is divided by 7 to get the remainder. If the remainder is 0, it is Saturday; if the remainder is 1, it is Sunday; if the remainder is 2, it is Monday; if the remainder is 3, it is Tuesday; if the remainder is 4, it is Wednesday; if the remainder is 5, it is Thursday; if the remainder

June 1, 2007 is Friday. Can you work out the day of June 1, 2008?
What's the formula

June 1, 2007 - June 1, 2008, a total of 366 days
366 △ 7 = 52 weeks 2 days
Friday + 2 days = Sunday
June 1, 2007 is Friday and June 1, 2008 is Sunday

January 1, 2009 is Thursday. Please divide it. What day is December 31, 2009?

In 2009, it was 365 days, 365 / 7 days, that is to say, from January 2, 364 days were good, except week 4

May 10 is Tuesday and July 1 is what day
On the other hand, granddad Xiaohong is 71 years old and has only 17 birthdays. Granddad's birthday is () month () day of () year,

Question 1: May = 31 days, June = 30 days
31-10=21 21÷7=3 30÷7=4…… two
Question 2: if you are 71 years old
Four years a run, run in February has 29 days, so grandfather's birthday is February 29
2011-71 = 1940 (year)
My grandfather was born on February 291940