Math question: May 1st, 2006 is Monday. What day is children's day in 2006? Teacher's day? Please list the formula

Math question: May 1st, 2006 is Monday. What day is children's day in 2006? Teacher's day? Please list the formula

Children's Day: 31 / 7 = 4... 3
It's Thursday
Teacher's Day: 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 9 = 132
It's Sunday

May 1, 2006 is Monday. What day is children's day in 2006? Teacher's day?

Children's day in 2006 is Thursday
Teacher's Day Sunday

January 1, 2006 is Monday, May 1, 2006 is what day? What formula is used to calculate

It's up to you to memorize
From January to December in 2006, the word resolution is 1, 3, 3, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2 and 5
If it is 1, it will be Monday
and so on

June 1, 2009 is Monday, so September 1, 2009 is Sunday___ .

There are 92 days from June 1 to September 1, then 92 △ 7 = 13 (week) So September 1st is Tuesday

It is known that new year's day in 2001 is Monday, so what day is new year's day in 2011?


June 1, 2009 is Monday, so what day is June 1, 2014? (find a formula) urgent
It must be a formula

The difference is 365 x 5 days. 365 x 5 = 7 ^ n + y, calculate the remainder by yourself

What day is new year's day in 1998? What day is June 1, 1999? What day is July 1, 1997? What day is October 1, 2000
What is the effective way to get the answer?

New year's day in 1998 is Thursday
June 1, 1999 is Tuesday
July 1, 1997 is Tuesday
October 1, 2000 is Sunday

What day is new year's day in 1999?
The answer is Friday, I know. But how do you decide whether a year is 365 days or 366 days


New year's day in 1999 is Friday, so what day is new year's day in 2002 ()

Tuesday, because it should be calculated like this, (365 + 366 + 365) / 7 = 156.. 4, so it's Tuesday!

What day is new year's day in 2000

This is an interesting phenomenon that I found when I watched the calendar in primary school
We only need to pay attention to the leap year, that is, the year with 29 February. We can infer the day of the week next year from today's day of this year. The leap years in recent decades are 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020
Rule: if there is no February 29th between today of this year and today of next year, then the number of weeks will be + 1; if there is February 29th, then the number of weeks will be + 2; if the number of weeks exceeds 7, then start again with 1
For example:
January 1, 1996 is Monday
January 1, 1997 is Wednesday
January 1, 1998 is Thursday
January 1, 1999 is Friday
January 1, 2000 is a Saturday
January 1, 2001 is Monday
Another example is:
April 1, 1995 is a Saturday
April 1, 1996 is Monday
April 1, 1997 is Tuesday
April 1, 1998 is Wednesday
April 1, 1999 is Thursday
April 1, 2000 is Saturday
April 1, 2001 is Sunday