How to describe the physical and geographical features? How to describe the geographical characteristics of an area?

How to describe the physical and geographical features? How to describe the geographical characteristics of an area?

Physical geographical features include special terrain, geological disasters, where the terrain is high, where the terrain is low, it is plain and mountainous, what kind of geological disasters are earthquakes, landslides, rivers, soil, vegetation, climate and so on
Human geography, industrial and agricultural transportation can also be linked to the market and local economic development level

The geographical conditions of Beijing
In many ways

The geographical boundary of population distribution in China is (), the distribution characteristic is (), the geographical boundary of population distribution is (), the distribution characteristic is ()

The geographical boundary of population distribution in China is Heihe Tengchong line
The distribution characteristics are that the population in the southeast is large and that in the northwest is small;
The characteristics of population distribution in China are as follows
1) There is a large population in the southeast of Heihe Tengchong line and a small population in the northwest;
2) The population in plain and basin areas is large, while that in mountain and plateau areas is small;
3) There is a large population in farming areas, but a small population in forestry and animal husbandry areas;
4) The population in warm and humid areas is more than that in dry and cold areas;
5) The area with a long history of development has a large population, while the area with a late history of development has a small population;
6) Along the river, coastal, near the main line of the railway area population, traffic inconvenience area population is small

The topographical types of China's geography and the climatic characteristics of China

There are various types of terrain, including Northeast China, North China, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Plain, Qinghai Tibet, Inner Mongolia, loess, Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, Tarim, Junggar, Qaidam and Sichuan Basin

What is the geographical distribution of China's population?

China's population distribution is generally large in the eastern coastal areas and small in the western inland areas. Geographically, the connecting line between Mohe in Heilongjiang Province and Tengchong in Yunnan Province is the main dividing line. There are more in the southeast and less in the northwest. The land area in the southeast accounts for 43% of China's population, while the population accounts for about 94% of China's population. The area in the northwest accounts for 57% of China's population, but the population only accounts for about 6% of China's population, Natural causes: China's terrain is high in the West and low in the East. The East is mainly plain with a long coastline. The west is mainly mountainous. The west is mostly plateau and desert. The land reclamation rate is low and far away from the coast, Social and economic reasons: Historically, since the Song Dynasty, China's economic center has gradually shifted from the west to the East, from the Yellow River basin to the Yangtze River Basin, and the good natural environment has promoted economic development, The convenient transportation in the eastern region provides extremely convenient conditions for its development and exchange, and provides a good development foundation for the eastern region. Since the reform and opening up, the good foundation in the eastern region has made the eastern region the focus of economic development, and economic development has brought about the flow of population. Although the population density in the western region is much lower than that in the central and eastern regions, the population density in the western region is much lower than that in the central and eastern regions, However, the relative pressure of population on the environment in the western region is greater than that in the central and eastern regions. The population physiological density (population density per hectare of cultivated land) in the western region is higher than that in the central region. The population economic density (population per unit of GDP) in the western region is not only higher than that in the central region, but also higher than that in the eastern region, More than 50% higher than the eastern region

What are the geographical advantages of China's opening up?
What else is there besides Linhai?

1. Both land and sea
2. Temperate zone and a small part of tropical zone
China is located in the southeast of the Eurasian continent and the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. It is a country with both land and sea. The land boundary is more than 22800 kilometers, It is adjacent to 15 countries, including Korea in the East, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar in the south, India, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, Pakistan and Afghanistan in the southwest, Russia in the northeast, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in the northwest, Mongolia and Cuba in the north, Yalu River Estuary in the North and Beilun River Estuary in the south, It is about 18000 km long. The Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea cover a total area of 4.7 million square kilometers, In the southeast, there are Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. In the east coast, there is a vast continental shelf. There are more than 6500 islands on the sea. The continental shelf is rich in oil and natural gas resources. The shallow sea fish resources are also very rich. Many natural ports are formed along the Continental Coast, etc, The development of marine economy and the consolidation of coastal defense are of great strategic significance. Now it has become the forefront of China's reform and opening up, and is the most prosperous area of China's economy. The northwest inland of China extends into the hinterland of Asia, and has been the bridge between China's land and Central Asia, West Asia, and Europe since ancient times. It has played a huge role in China's ancient economic development and the political, economic, and cultural exchanges between the East and the West
3. Location of longitude and latitude. China's latitude starts from the Zengmu subsha near 4 ° n in the South and reaches the center line of Heilongjiang main channel to the north of Mohe river at 53 ° 31'n in the north. It spans about 50 latitude from north to South and has a straight-line distance of 5500 km. From south to north, there are six temperature zones: equatorial zone, tropical zone, subtropical zone, warm temperate zone, temperate zone and cold temperate zone, It is unparalleled in the world. When Heilongjiang Province in the north of China is still covered with ice and snow, Hainan in the south is already a lush and green summer scene. Longitude starts from the intersection of Wusuli River and Heilongjiang in the east at 135 ° 5 'longitude, and ends at wuzibieli mountain pass in Wuqia County in Xinjiang in the west at 73 ° 40' longitude, The distance is about 5200 km. The time difference is more than 4 hours. When the east sun rises to the earth, the west is still full of stars. This vast territory provides a vast space for China's economic development

Is there any difference between location factors and location conditions?

Location conditions refer to the attributes or qualifications held by location (place). Human beings' choice of their own place largely depends on the quality of location conditions. Location conditions are relative to location subjects. Different location subjects lead to different location conditions. For example, when choosing industrial location, the location conditions are different, Labor, capital, raw materials, energy, transportation and market are generally the main location conditions. When choosing agricultural location, light, heat, temperature, soil, labor, transportation and market constitute the main location conditions. In addition, location conditions also change with time
Location factors refer to the factors that affect the distribution of location subjects. The main factor is to give the location subject more influence, on the contrary, the minor factor is to give the location subject less influence

How to analyze the geographical location factors? Or social and economic factors

Location factors include: socio-economic factors and natural environment factors. Socio economic factors: ① labor force (quantity and quality of labor force); ② scientific and technological development level; ③ infrastructure (transportation, power facilities, etc.). Natural environment factors: ① geographical location (latitude, land and sea

Analysis of Beijing tourism location conditions
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in Beijing

Advantages: Beijing is a famous historical and cultural city with rich tourism resources
Convenient transportation, developed service industry and tourism industry
Disadvantages: high temperature and rainy in summer, cold and dry in winter, and unpleasant climate
There are no famous tourist attractions nearby, lack of cluster advantages of tourist attractions
Lack of natural landscape, no famous mountains and rivers

Geography, how to answer location factors? Geographical advantages? Favorable conditions?

That is, the comprehensive resource advantage of location, which is mainly composed of natural resources, geographical location, society, economy, science and technology, management, politics, policy, culture, education, tourism, etc