There are four Thursdays and five Wednesdays in September. What day is teacher's day this year?

There are four Thursdays and five Wednesdays in September. What day is teacher's day this year?

30-3 × 7 = 9, September 9 is Wednesday
September 10th is Thursday

There are four Wednesdays and five Thursdays in September this year. What day is the National Day this year?

Because September has 30 days, September 1 is a Thursday, then September 1 to October 1 after 30 days, 30 △ 7 = 4 (weeks) So this year's National Day is Saturday. A: this year's National Day is Saturday

February 1, 2006 is Wednesday. What day is March 1?

Wednesday is only 28 days in February 2006

Wednesday, March 2nd what day is August 2nd

153 / 7 = 21 more than 6
Six days after Wednesday, it should be Tuesday

August 4, 2004 is Wednesday. What day is the next 100 days?

100/7=14…… two
The cycle is seven
Today is Wednesday, seven days (a week) later or Wednesday, the remaining 1 is Thursday, the remaining 2 means Friday
So it's Friday

If May 2 is Wednesday, what day is October 1

Monday, of course

July 1, 2003 is Wednesday. What day is July 1, 2005?

From July 1, 2003 to July 1, 2005, there are 365 + 366 = 731 days (2004 is a leap year), 731 / 7 = 104 more than 3 days, so three more days are added for Saturday

March 31, 2004 is Wednesday. What day is October 1, 2005
Hope to give a detailed answer, analysis, I know the result is Saturday

If you really want to know why it's Saturday, you can count the total number of days between them and divide it by 7 to get the remainder of 6, so it's Saturday! Gregorian calendar: October 1st, 2005, lunar calendar: August 28th, lunar calendar, Saturday Libra year times: year of you, Chinese Zodiac chicken, month of you, Wu Wu Wu day five elements: day

If May 2 is Wednesday, what day is October 1?
There should be explanations, not equations!

There are 122 days in four months from May to October, and 153 days in one day in October and 30 days in May. Every seven days is a group, and there are 21 groups with more than six days. Because may 2 is Wednesday and counting back from Wednesday is Monday, October 1 is Monday

Suppose that the date of three Sundays in a month of a year is odd, then what day is the 20th of this month?

Because the interval of every Sunday is 7 days, if there are three odd Sundays in a month, the three Sundays will not be continuous, but there are two odd weeks with an interval of 14 days, and the maximum of 31 days in a month. If the first Sunday is x, then the second Sunday is x + 14, and the third Sunday is x + 28, so x + 28 ≤ 31, the solution is x ≤ 3; so the first Sunday can If the first Sunday is the 1st, then the 20th of the month is Friday; if the first Sunday is the 3rd (there are 31 days in this month), then the 20th of the month is Wednesday. So the 20th of this month may be Friday or Wednesday (there are 31 days in this month)