There are five Mondays in June, but only four Tuesdays. What day is the first day of the month? Come on, it's coming, If you can: to calculate If there is no formula, why

There are five Mondays in June, but only four Tuesdays. What day is the first day of the month? Come on, it's coming, If you can: to calculate If there is no formula, why

The one before 7 * 4 + 1 + 1 = 30 is Monday and the one after it is either Sunday or Tuesday, so it can only be Sunday

There are five Mondays and four Tuesdays in June of a certain year. What day is June 1st of this year?

June 1 of this year is Monday (June has 30 days)

How to judge the time of rock formation

How did the rock form?
Just how it was formed

Rock is a mixture of solid minerals or minerals, which is composed of one or more minerals with a certain structure. It can be divided into igneous rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock. Igneous rock is also called magmatic rock. Molten material from the earth's interior is a rock formed by cold solidification under different geological conditions

What is the structure of rock

Rock is a mixture of solid minerals or minerals. The rocks under the sea are called reefs, reefs and sand. They are composed of one or more minerals and have a certain structure. There are also a few remains or remains (fossils) containing organisms

According to what do geologists classify rocks? What are they, and how are they formed?

It can be divided into three types: magmatic rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock. A magmatic rock (extrusive rock and intrusive rock) is formed by the crystallization of karst materials. This kind of molten rock is called magma. The rock ejected from the earth's surface is called lava or extrusive rock. Its main component is silicate, which contains silicon, oxygen and other minerals

1. Rocks make up the crust of the earth. 2. Bricks are also rocks. 3. Geologists classify rocks according to the way they are formed
Aluminum and copper are renewable mineral resources. 5. Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. 6. After death, the organisms in lakes and oceans will deposit to the bottom of the water and be covered by sediment. After millions of years of development 7. Granite and quartzite belong to magmatic rocks 8. Fossils can be found in magmatic rocks 9. Sandstone, shale and limestone belong to sedimentary rocks 10. Coal and oil belong to metamorphic rocks

1. Yes
2. Wrong
3. Yes
4. Wrong
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Wrong
8. Wrong
9. Yes
10. Wrong

According to what do geologists classify rocks
A particle size B soft and hard C formation mode D whether hydrochloric acid drops bubble


We generally divide rocks into several categories. According to what standard
This is a problem in my holiday assignment,

A rock can be divided into three types according to its origin: 1. Magmatic rock (also called igneous rock), which is formed by volcanic eruption and other reasons. To put it simply, it is the rock formed after the magma erupted from volcano cools. (granite, andesite, diorite, rhyolite, basaltic gabbro, etc.) 2. Sedimentary rock is the process of magmatic rock

How do geologists classify rocks

According to the environmental conditions of rock formation, sedimentary rock, magmatic rock and metamorphic rock are divided
Then according to the rock structure, structure, mineral composition, color, particle size and other specific division