In a calendar, the five Sundays in a month are exactly in the same column, and the sum of their dates is 80. In this month, what is the first week of this month

In a calendar, the five Sundays in a month are exactly in the same column, and the sum of their dates is 80. In this month, what is the first week of this month

Suppose: the first Sunday is a, then the following four Sundays are a + 7, a + 14, a + 21, a + 28
So a + (a + 7) + (a + 14) + (a + 21) + (a + 28) = 5A + 70 = 80
The solution is a = 2, that is, the first Sunday is 2

There are five Wednesdays in a month, and the sum of their dates is exactly equal to 80. Take the date as a number, for example, 22 as 22, then what day is the 3rd of this month
Use the equation to solve the problem!

The first Wednesday is x, then
The third is Thursday

How to calculate the calendar date of mathematics homework? For example, today's January 20, 2009 is Wednesday, March 2, 2009 is the day of the week? How to calculate

From January 20 to March 2, there are 13 days. A week is 7 days. 13 divided by 7 is 1. The rest 6. January 20 is Wednesday. The rest 1 indicates that the seven days of a week have passed (a cycle of seven days, for example, today is Wednesday, and the day after another week is also Wednesday). Because of the rest 6, the next 6 days after Wednesday is Tuesday

What day is January 28, 2012? Calendar
