September 1st, 2002 is Sunday. What day is September 1st, 2003?

September 1st, 2002 is Sunday. What day is September 1st, 2003?

365 divided by 7 is 52 plus one, so it's Monday

May day is Sunday in a certain year. What day is June 1st and October 1st?

Month rules: May is big, June is small, July is big, August is big, September is small, big month 31 days, small month 30 days;
May 1 to June 1 31 days, divided by 7, June 1 is Wednesday, May 1 to October 1 is 153 days, so October 1 is Saturday, the method is like this, you can calculate carefully!

June 1st, 2003 is Sunday, September 10th, 2004 is what day?
How to calculate?

(366 + 30-1 + 31 + 31 + 10) / 7 = 66 + 5
If June 1, 2003 is Sunday, September 10, 2004 is Sunday + 5 = Friday

If October happens to have four Sundays, October 1 can't be the day of the week

October has 31 days, if there must be four Sundays, then October 1 can be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, but not Friday, Saturday, Sunday. For example: 1 is Monday, then 7,14.21.28 is Sunday, 1 is Tuesday, then 6,13,20,27 are Sunday, 1 is Wednesday, then 5,1