February 1st, 1998 is Sunday. What day is February 1st, 2006? What year is 2008

February 1st, 1998 is Sunday. What day is February 1st, 2006? What year is 2008

Because the year of 2000 and 2004 is leap year 1, (365 * (2006-1998) + 2) / 7 = 417, more than 3 are not divided completely, so it is Wednesday and Tuesday, or 365 / 7 = 52 more than 1. If there is no leap year, every extra year, the week will be pushed back one day. If there is a leap year, the year after the leap year will be pushed back one day

Grandma told Xiaoming: "there are 53 Sundays in 2006". Smart Xiaoming immediately told Grandma: New Year's day in 2007 must be a Sunday______ .

53 × 7 = 371 (days) 371-365 = 6 (days) more than 6 days, less than a week, only new year's day in 2006 and the last day of 2006 are Sundays, there will be 53 Sundays, December 31, 2006 is Sunday, the day after it, new year's day in 2007 is Monday

Grandma told Xiaoming: "there are 53 Sundays in 2006". Smart Xiaoming immediately told Grandma: New Year's day in 2007 must be a Sunday______ .

53 × 7 = 371 (days) 371-365 = 6 (days) more than 6 days, less than a week, only new year's day in 2006 and the last day of 2006 are Sundays, there will be 53 Sundays, December 31, 2006 is Sunday, the day after it, new year's day in 2007 is Monday