May 1st, 2008 is Thursday, May 1st, 1920 is what day?

May 1st, 2008 is Thursday, May 1st, 1920 is what day?

May 1, 1920 is Saturday
I can quickly work out the day of the week in a certain year, month and day——
May 1, 1908: Friday
May 1, 2077: Saturday
May 1, 2099: Friday

May 1 of a certain year is a Tuesday, so what day is the last day of May of this year? How to calculate?

May has 31 days, so:
31 △ 7 = 4 &; &; &; &; &; &; &; &; &; &; &; 3, that is, three days after Tuesday, but one day less, so it is Thursday

May 1, 2011 is Sunday. What day is May 1, 2012?


A formula for calculating the day of a week in a certain month of a certain year
After a simple calculation, we can get the day of the week on January 1, 2100

x: Number of years in A.D
c: The number of days from the required new year's day to the required day
[]: for integer
Divide s by 7 and divide it into Sunday, or the remainder is the day of the week