There are five Saturdays in a month, but the first day and the last day of this month are not Mondays. What day is the first day of this month? How many days are there in this month? Write the formula!

There are five Saturdays in a month, but the first day and the last day of this month are not Mondays. What day is the first day of this month? How many days are there in this month? Write the formula!

Seven days a week,
Four Mondays is 4 × 7 = 28 days
There is another Monday, neither the first nor the last
So there are 28 + 3 = 31 days in this month
And the next day and the penultimate day are Monday
So the first day is Sunday

There are five Sundays in February of a certain year, and the first of June of this year is Sunday______ .

If there are only 28 days in February, there are only 4 Sundays, so it is easy to get that February is 29 days, and February 1 is Sunday, so is February 29. March 1 is week 1, and the interval between June 1 and March 1 is 31 + 30 + 31 = 92 days. So June 1 is week 2