What day is September 10, 2007? What day is September 10, 2008?

What day is September 10, 2007? What day is September 10, 2008?

2007 is a normal year, so there are 365 days from September 10, 2006 to September 10, 2007, that is 52 weeks and 1 day, so September 10, 2007 is a Sunday, and the next day is Monday. 2008 is a leap year. From September 10, 2007 to September 10, 2008, there are 366 days, that is 52 weeks and 2 days. So September 10, 2008 is the last two days of Monday, that is, Wednesday

October 1, 2005 is a Saturday, so what day is the last day of this month? (to calculate the process)
October 1, 2005 is a Saturday. What day is the last day of this month? Urgent!

31 ÷ 4 = 7,3
Take the first four weeks as a whole, that is, the first twenty-eight days is Saturday, and the last day is Friday
Then the remaining three days will be sunny Saturday and Monday respectively
So the last day is Monday

The tree planting day in March of a year is Saturday. What day is the last day of the month?

If there are 31 days in March, then 31-12 = 19. If there are seven days in a week, then 19 divided by 7 = 2 and there are five days from Saturday. The last day of March is Thursday

What day is the last day of this month?

First of all, you should know that may is big, that is, may has 31 days. The last day, that is, the first day plus 30 days
Secondly, there are seven days in a week, four whole weeks out of these 30 days, and two more days,
Therefore, in the end, we need to add 2 days later on the Tuesday of Yuanji
That's Thursday~
Do you understand that
Landlord, you can use my method to calculate several similar problems~