June 1, 2001 is a Friday. What day is October 1 of this year

June 1, 2001 is a Friday. What day is October 1 of this year

Solar calendar: Monday
Lunar calendar: Thursday

What day is new year's day in 2010?

2008 can be divided by 4 is a leap year, 366 days, the rest of 2005200620072009 are ordinary years, 365 days
365 / 7 = 52 + 1
366 / 7 = 52 + 2
So 2006 New Year's Day is Sunday, 2007 New Year's Day is Monday, 2008 New Year's Day is Wednesday, 2009 New Year's Day is Thursday, 2010 New Year's Day is Friday

August 22, 2009 is Saturday, so what day is December 18, 2009?

118 divided by 7 = 16, more than 6, that is, one day to the next Saturday
So it's Friday

May 1, 2005 is a Sunday, May 1, 2006 is a day? (thinking)

It should be Monday