New year's Day is Monday. What day is the national day of the same year? What day is the new year's day of the second year? The faster the formula, the better

New year's Day is Monday. What day is the national day of the same year? What day is the new year's day of the second year? The faster the formula, the better

The day of the week is the sum of the remaining days of each month divided by 7, and then divided by 7. Or the total number of days (31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 1) / 7 is more than 1, which is Monday. If there are 29 days in February, one day will be added. Similarly, (365 + 1) / 7 is more than 2, and leap year is more than 3

June 1, 1993 is Tuesday. What day is 2003?
There is another question, there are 298 red, yellow and blue beads. According to the arrangement of four red beads, five yellow beads and six blue beads, 1) what color is the 201 bead? 2) among the 298 beads, how many are the blue beads? The two questions can be solved by the formula, and the equation is OK

The difference between 2003 and 1993 is 10 years, including 1996 and 2000 leap years. The total date and time is 10 * 365 + 2. Week is the remainder of (10 * 365 + 2) / 7, and the remainder is 5. Add 5 to Tuesday to make 7 Sunday. If it exceeds 7, it will change to next week. For example, if it is 8, it will be Monday

If April 1 is a Tuesday, April 28 is a day of the week? How to calculate this problem

(28-1) / 7 = 3, more than 6, six days from Monday to Sunday

If there are even 3 Sundays in a month, the 5th of the month is Saturday______ .

There are even dates on three Sundays in a month. The 2nd of this month is Sunday, the 2nd, the 9th, the 16th, the 23rd and the 30th of this month are Sundays, and the 5th of this month is Wednesday

The number of days with excellent air quality in our city accounts for three fifths of the whole year. How many days are there in total?

Taking a year as 365 days, 365 × 3 / 5 = 219 (days) a: there are 219 days with the best air quality in our city

In 2012, the number of days with good air quality in a city is 80 days, and the average annual growth rate of days with good air quality is x (x is greater than 0). 1. To make the number of days with good air quality in 2014 reach 180 days, find X.2. Under the condition of (1), find the total number of days with good air quality from 2012 to 2015 (including 2012 and 2015)

1 80*(1+x)*(1+x)=180
2 80+120+180+270=650

The air quality is closely related to the air content______ It is related to the quantity of______ To express

Air quality is related to the quantity of pollutants in the air, which can be expressed by pollution index

What three pollutants should be included in the air quality required by the State Environmental Protection Administration

SO2, NO2, IP

What is the relationship between air pollution index and air quality,

The higher the air pollution index is, the worse the air quality is. 0-50 I, 51-100 II, 101-200 III, 201-300 IV, 301 V and above. In practical application, grade III and IV are divided into III1, iii2, iv1 and iv2 I. the air quality assessment is excellent and has no impact on human health

Air quality and air pollution index

The air pollution index (API) is to simplify the concentration of several air pollutants in conventional monitoring into a single conceptual index value form, and characterize the air pollution degree and air quality status by classification, which is suitable for representing the short-term air quality status and change trend of the city