What is the quotient of the product of two 0.3 divided by the sum of two 0.3?

What is the quotient of the product of two 0.3 divided by the sum of two 0.3?

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What's the quotient of 3 products of 0.5 divided by 0.5?

0.5×0.5×0.5 ÷0.5 = 0.25

What is the product of the sum of the quotients of 180 and 320 divided by 16 and multiplied by 5


2.5 times 60 minus 44, what's the quotient of the product divided by 50? (calculate by equation or formula) 4 times of 4.5 is 1.8 more than 1.2 times of a number
The sum of 1.5 times of a number and half of the number is 2.5
Don't be lazy

0.8 13.5 1.25

There are several sets a satisfying empty set true inclusion in m true inclusion in {1,2,3,4,. 2011}

How many nonempty proper subsets are equivalent to {1,2,3,4,. 2011}
His subset is equivalent to {with or without 1, with or without 2 , with or without 2011} how many

Given that the solution set of the inequality system {x + 2 > m + N, X-1 < M-1} about X is - 1 < x < - 2, then the value of (M + n) 2011 is equal to ()
2011 is square


It is known that set a = {x | x = cos (2n − 1) π m, n ∈ Z}. When m is 2011, the number of elements of set a is______ .

∵ set a = {x | x = cos (2n − 1) π m, n ∈ Z}. When m is 2011, the set a = {x | x = cos (2n − 1) π m, n ∈ Z}, n ∈ Z, 2011 has 1006 odd numbers, so the answer is: 1006

(m-n) to the power of 2010 - 16 (m-n) to the power of 2011, big brother and big sister, help me!

2010 power of (m-n) - 2011 power of 16 (m-n)

Simplify and evaluate: x ^ 3 + 2x ^ 2 + X / x ^ 2 + 2x-8 divided by (x / X-2 × x + 1 / x + 4), where x = negative 5 / 4

X ^ 3 + 2x ^ 2 + X / x ^ 2 + 2x-8 divided by (x / X-2 × x + 1 / x + 4)
=x(x^2+2x+1)/(x-2)(x+4) /( x(x+1)/(x-2)(x+4))
=x(x+1)^2/(x-2)(x+4) * (x-2)(x+4)/ x(x+1)

First simplify, then evaluate: (x + 2) (x-3) + 3 (x-1) (x-1) - (2x-1) (2x + 3), where x = negative 2,
