There is only one earth. What is the meaning of this lesson?

There is only one earth. What is the meaning of this lesson?

There is only one earth. Compare the universe to (Ocean) and the earth to (mother) (a boat) (cradle). The meaning of this lesson is (tell people that the earth is the only place suitable for human survival, let's protect the earth and its ecological environment.)

In the vast space, the moon is the nearest neighbor of the earth. Is it figurative or anthropomorphic?
Such as the title

It's more metaphorical because it's obvious
Using neighbor is not necessarily personification
It's not exactly right
Plants are greedy to enjoy the sunshine. Is it anthropomorphic
But it's not necessarily obvious? Psychological activities are OK

What is outside the universe? If the universe is compared to a circle, then the earth is a point on it. Then is the universe outside or a circle? Is the universe a point?
What I want to know is what's outside the universe? Is the universe just a point in it?

At present, the scope of research is the universe, not outside the universe

Is the analogy that there are more stars in the universe than there are sand on earth accurate

Not exactly
There are about 70 trillion stars in the universe. If there are so many grains of sand, it will take seven earth sized spaces to hold them. There are more stars in the universe than you can imagine

Calculate the following questions: 1 / 3 times 5 by 2 / 5 by 1 / 3, 1 / 3 times 1 / 15 by 1 / 3 by 1 / 5, 3 / 4 minus 5 / 8 by 3 / 4, 4 / 5 minus 2 / 3 by 15 / 8, 14 / 25 by 1 / 5 plus 1 / 2, 24 times 22 / 23 plus 1 / 23. Solve the equation. X times 1 / 3 by 4 / 9 = 1 / 6, 8 times 1 / 6 X = 6 / 25 divided by 1 / 5

2. Unclear, 3 out of 32, 1 out of 4, 4 out of 5, 23, 27 out of 24, 3 out of 20

Trapezoid area in addition to the bottom and bottom multiplied by the height divided by two can also be how to calculate
This is the question:
What's the area of the trapezoid?
() times high

(median) times the height

A formula for calculating the area of trapezoid
Same title

If the diagonals are perpendicular to each other, you can divide the diagonal product by two

I found that the trapezoidal formula is not the bottom plus the bottom multiplied by the height divided by 2. Let's explain why the trapezoidal formula is the bottom plus the bottom multiplied by the height divided by 2?

Because CE = AF, the area of trapezoid = △ ACD + ABC
=Ad × CE △ 2 + BC × CE △ 2, so the area of the trapezoid is the bottom plus the top multiplied by the height divided by 2

Find the area of the triangle in addition to the base times the height divided by two!

2absin (c), 2bcsin (a), etc

(a squared divided by a-2-4 divided by A-2) multiplied by 1 divided by a squared + 2A

[asquare / (A-2) - 4 / (A-2)] × 1 / (asquare + 2a)
=(A-2) × 1 / a (a + 2)
= (a+2)(a-2)/(a-2)× 1/a(a+2)