What is 28883 × 25, plus 25

What is 28883 × 25, plus 25

It's 722025, 722050

What's 25 plus 28


How much is 23 out of 25 plus 23 out of 25 times 24?

Original formula = 23 / 25 * (1 + 24)

How many meters is 3.25 cm plus 260 cm

85 m

The number of boys is one fifth more than that of girls, so what is the number of girls multiplied by one fifth

One in five girls

The number of male students is 5 / 6 of that of female students, which is a comparison between 〔 and 〕, where female students represent 1. The quantitative relationship is that 〕 multiplied by 5 / 6 equals 1

The number of male students is 5 / 6 of the number of female students. It is a comparison between (male students) and (female students), where female students represent 1. The quantitative relationship is that (female students) multiplied by 5 / 6 equals (male students)

There are 25 boys and 20 girls in class 6 (1). The number of girls is the largest in the class______ %There are more boys than girls______ %

The number of male students is 25% more than that of female students. So the answer is: 44.4, 25.5

2 / 3 of the male students is equal to the female students

Number of boys × 2 / 3 = number of girls

Who knows that the sum of two unknowns equals 5, and the quotient of these two numbers equals 5

The quotient of two numbers is 5, which means that the large number is five times of the decimal, then the sum of them is six times of the decimal
They add up to 5, which means that the decimal is 5 / 6, and the large is 5 * 5 / 6 = 25 / 6

35 times the unknown plus 13 times the Weizhi equals 9.6

It can be expressed as follows: 35x + 13X = 9.6
The solution is: (35 + 13) x = 9.6 (Law of multiplicative distribution)