There will be some interesting symmetrical forms in the operation of numbers. Fill in the blanks according to the form of equation (1) and check whether the equation holds. (1) 12 × 231 = 132 × 21; (2) 12 × 462=______ ×______ ;(3)18×891=______ ×______ ;(4)24×231=______ ×______ .

There will be some interesting symmetrical forms in the operation of numbers. Fill in the blanks according to the form of equation (1) and check whether the equation holds. (1) 12 × 231 = 132 × 21; (2) 12 × 462=______ ×______ ;(3)18×891=______ ×______ ;(4)24×231=______ ×______ .


How to define the multiplication of natural numbers?

A simple operation to find the sum of several identical addends is multiplication

The end of the product of a natural number and 801 is 9999999. To make the multiplication hold, what is the natural number at least?

Both numbers are multiples of 9
The title can be changed to 89 * x = (a11111111) get the result a and multiply by 9
1111 1111 divided by 89, remainder = 84
A00000000 divided by 89, remainder = 45 * a
So 45A divided by 89 should be 5 or - 84
Number 45 90 (a = 2)
The remainder 45 1 46 2 47 3. First to 5 or first to - 84
It's obviously 5: a = 10
Answer: 10 * 9 = 90

How to make up five multiplication formulas with ten natural numbers from 1 to 10 and make their sum 169

The sum of the five multiplication formulas is 169, which is equivalent to the sum of the areas of the five rectangles is 169. The five rectangles can be put together into a square with an area of 169, that is, a side length of 13 (13 × 13 = 169). In this way, the sum of the ten numbers 1-10 is the four side lengths of the square with 13, that is, 10 and 3, 9 and 4, 8 and 5, 7 and 6 (only this combination). Put the four rectangles composed of these four groups of numbers in the four corners of the square, and the remaining small rectangle composed of 1 and 2 is inside the square. According to the small rectangle with length of 2 and width of 1 in the large square in the figure, the length and width of the four rectangles can be spelled like this. Ah is 1 longer than BF, FC is 1 longer than HD, EB is 2 longer than GC, DG is 2 longer than AE

In the following multiplication formula, each Chinese character represents one of the natural numbers 1-9, which does not repeat each other. Translate it into a mathematical formula
Self study and diligence
x) Yes
From from from from

* 9
Well, there is no solution to the original problem

12 × 231 = 132 × 21, such an equation is called symmetry. 12 × 46 () = () 64 × 21 how to fill in brackets, please use the equation to solve

Let the number in brackets be x, then
The solution is x = 2
Hope to adopt, O (∩)_ Thank you

12 × 231 = 132 × 21. Such an equation is called a pair equation. Write the equation on the left side of the equal sign from right to left to get the equation on the right side of the equal sign
Here is another symmetrical equation, but one of the numbers is not written out and is replaced by a bracket:
What is the number of () in the formula? Can you work it out with the equation?

If the median of the bracket is x, then there is
12 * (460 + x) = (100x + 64) * 21 (* is a multiplication sign)
That is 2088x = 4176
So, () replaces the number 2

Similar to the equation of 12 × 231 = 132 × 21, we call it symmetric equation. Please write another symmetric equation

Following the given equation, we can get: ab × BCA = ACB × ba
The results show that: (B-A) (B + A-C) = 0
A = B or a + B = C
If a = B, then both sides of the equation are the same formula
That is to say, to write out the symmetry in the title, just make sure that a + B = C

(2012, Zhuhai) the following equations were observed: 12 × 231 = 132 × 21, 13 × 341 = 143 × 31,
(Zhuhai, 2012) observe the following equation:

The numbers on both sides of the above equations are respectively symmetrical, and the two digit and three digit numbers in each equation have the same rules. We call this kind of equation "digital symmetry equation"
(1) Fill in the blanks according to the rules reflected in the above formulas, so that the formula is called "digital symmetric equation":
two hundred and seventy-five
two hundred and seventy-five
five hundred and seventy-two
five hundred and seventy-two

(2) Let the two digit ten digit number on the left of this kind of equation be a, the single digit number be B, and 2 ≤ a + B ≤ 9. Write out the formula (including a and b) representing the general law of "digital symmetry equation"

a b × b(a+b)a = a(b+a)b × b a
For example, a = 4, B = 5

The adventures of Tom Sawyer
① Tom has several good friends: Joe, Ben and Jim, but the one who is most like him is Huck, the dirty tramp in the town
② He is the head of the town's children, playing "war" and pranks with them
③ He became a helpless, idle "wild child"
④ Tom and Joe took the food they had stolen from home and called Huck to the Mississippi River
⑤ It is desolate and uninhabited, and has become a happy base for the three little pirates
⑥ They yelled, "come on, they've been found!"
(1) Quotation marks have the same function in a sentence________ meaning.
(2) There is no use, there are some sentences

1. Special meaning needs to be emphasized