In the number of winners, one out of every five is in the fourth grade, and one out of every four is in the fifth grade. [1] what percentage of the total number of winners is in the sixth grade? [2] if there are 25 winners in the fifth grade, how many winners are in the sixth grade?

In the number of winners, one out of every five is in the fourth grade, and one out of every four is in the fifth grade. [1] what percentage of the total number of winners is in the sixth grade? [2] if there are 25 winners in the fifth grade, how many winners are in the sixth grade?

1. What is the percentage of the sixth grade winners in the total number of winners?
1-5 1-4 1 = 20 11 = 55%
2. If there are 25 winners in the fifth grade, how many winners in the sixth grade?
The total number is
25 △ 1 / 4 = 100 (person)
There are many students in grade six
100 × 55% = 55 (person)

How to do the second question on page 12 of the sixth grade mathematics exercise book

My seventh grade, the homework has been found, not to mention the school alone to do the homework, the market is not the same

The second and third questions on page 3 of the winter vacation homework of grade 6 mathematics

2 questions 1.68% 2.48%
The first question of 3 questions: fraction: 27 out of 100 decimal: 0.27 percent; 27%
3 second question: fraction: 21 / 50 decimal: 0.42 percent: 42%

Mathematical problem proof: 0.999999 =1 (9 cycles)?

Let 0.9... Be a, then 10A = 9.9.10a-a = 9.9. - 0.9... = 9A = 9, so a = 9 / 9 = 1, so 0.9. = 9 / 9 = 1

How to prove that a cycle of 0.9 equals 1?
Please do not use the method of "0.9999999..... = 0.333333333 * 3 = (1 / 3) * 3 = 1"
Logically, is the cycle of 0.9 equal to 1?

Let 0.999999... = x (1)
Multiply both sides by 10
9.9999999...=10X (2)
(2) - (1) get
X = 1, i.e. 0.99999... = 1

Complete the statistics according to the dialogue
A: two ninths of the gold medals won by the Chinese team are bronze medals. The gold medals won by the Chinese team are nine seventh more than the bronze medals
B: Russia won one less gold medal than China's seven eighths
C: the U.S. team won four ninths more silver medals than Russia
Total gold, silver and bronze medals
USA 35 29
China 63
Russia 27 92

Total gold, silver and bronze medals
USA: 35 39 29 103
China: 32 17 14 63
Russia: 27 27 38 92

The number ratio of new Chinese textbooks to mathematics textbooks is 5:7. When 1 / 10 of Chinese textbooks and 3 / 14 of mathematics textbooks are distributed to students, there are 100 fewer Chinese textbooks than mathematics textbooks. How many new books are there in the school

There are 60 students in the mathematics group and the Chinese group. The number of students in the mathematics group is 1.5 times that of the Chinese group. How many students are there in each group?

If there are x people in the Chinese group, then there are 1.5x people in the mathematics group. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation: x + 1.5x = 60, & nbsp; 2.5x = 60, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 24, 1.5 × 24 = 36. A: there are 36 people in the mathematics group and 24 people in the Chinese group

According to the survey of 100 students, 58 students like math class, 38 students like Chinese class, and 52 students like math class;
A survey of 100 students shows that 58 students like mathematics, 38 students like Chinese, 52 students like English, 18 students like both mathematics and Chinese, 16 students like both English and Chinese, 12 students like all three subjects. How many students like both mathematics and English? How many students only like English?

26 students like both math and English, 22 students only like English (Wen's chart)
Let X be the one who likes both mathematics and English
Those who like math and Chinese but don't like English are 18-12 = 6
Those who like English and Chinese but don't like mathematics are 16-12 = 4
X-12 likes math and English but not Chinese
All three like 12
Then 58-6-x + 38-12-6-4 + 52-4-x = 100
The solution is x = 26
Those who only like English are 52-4-26 = 22

There are 44 students participating in the drawing competition in Grade 6. It is known that among the competitors, three fifths of male students are equal to one half of female students, and the number of male students is higher than that of female students
How many girls are there?

Suppose there are x boys and 44-x girls participating in the competition
So x × 3 / 5 = (44-x) × 1 / 2
3/5 X=22 - 1/2 X
6/10 X=22 - 5/10 X
11/10 X=22
So there are 20 boys and 24 girls
If you have any questions, you can go to Baidu Hi