There are 44 students in the class, 20% more boys than girls. How many boys and girls are there?

There are 44 students in the class, 20% more boys than girls. How many boys and girls are there?

Suppose there are x girls, then there are (1 + 20%) boys, x = 1.2x
There are 20 girls and 24 boys
A: there are 20 girls and 24 boys

In a mathematics test, the average score of the whole class is 84, the average score of boys is 84.6, and the average score of girls is 83.5?

There are x boys
20 boys

There are 90 movie tickets. If the tickets are given to the fifth grade first, only half of the students in the sixth grade get the tickets
If it is allocated to the sixth grade first, only one third of the students in the fifth grade get the tickets. How many students are there in the fifth and sixth grades

What the sixth grade didn't get was 1-1 / 2 = 1 / 2 of the sixth grade population
What the fifth grade didn't get was 1-1 / 3 = 2 / 3 of the fifth grade population
The ratio of fifth grade to sixth grade is 1 / 2:2 / 3 = 3:4
Each: 90 ÷ (3 + 4 × 1 / 2) = 18 sheets
There are three fifth grade students, 18 × 3 = 54
Grade 6: 54 / (3 / 4) = 72
There are X students in the fifth grade and y students in the sixth grade
The solution is x = 54; y = 72
A: there are 54 students in the fifth grade and 72 students in the sixth grade

There are 90 movie tickets. If they are distributed to the fifth grade first, only half of the students in the sixth grade get tickets. If they are distributed to the sixth grade first, only one third of the students in the fifth grade get tickets. How many students are there in the fifth and sixth grades?

Suppose there are X students in grade five, then there are 2 (90-x) students in grade six

The price of a movie ticket is 20 yuan. After the price reduction, the audience will double and the income will increase by one fifth. How much is the price reduction of a movie ticket?
Please write the logical steps

Suppose the original overall income is 1, then the current income is 1 + 1 / 5 = 6 / 5, because the audience has doubled,
So after the price reduction, the ticket price is 6 / 5 / 2 = 3 / 5, so now the ticket price is 20 * (3 / 5) = 12 yuan
So the price of the movie ticket is reduced by 20-12 = 8 yuan

The price of a movie ticket will be reduced by 6 yuan, the audience will increase by half, and the income will increase by 20%?
Don't set up an equation

Solution 1: suppose the original price is x, (X-6) * 1.5 = x * 1.20.3x = 9, x = 30, the original price is 30 yuan. Solution 2: if the ticket price is not reduced, the audience's income should be increased by 50% when they increase by 1 / 2, but the actual income is 30% less than 50%, because the ticket price has decreased by 6 yuan

Mathematical problems of movie tickets
Cinema tickets are divided into class A and class B. class a tickets are sold for 20 yuan each, and class B tickets are sold for 1 yuan. The school bought 70 movie tickets for 850 yuan, and asked how many tickets a and B each
Don't make a decimal point····

Cinema tickets are divided into class A and class B. class a tickets are sold for 20 yuan each, and class B tickets are sold for 1 yuan. The school bought back 70 tickets for 850 yuan, and asked how many tickets a and B each

There are 697 students in grade 4, 5 and 6 of primary school. It is known that half of the students in Grade 6 are equal to two fifths of the students in Grade 5, and one third of the students in Grade 6 are equal to two seventh of the students in grade 4. How many students are there in grade 456

Hello: Grade 5 * 2 / 5 = grade 6 * 1 / 2 grade 5: Grade 6 = 1 / 2:2 / 5 = 5:4 = 15:12 grade 6 * 1 / 3 = grade 4 * 2 / 7 grade 6: Grade 4 = 2 / 7:1 / 3 = 6:7 = 12:14 so: Grade 5: Grade 6: Grade 4 = 15:12:14 grade 4: 697 * 14 / (15 + 12 + 14) = 238 people grade 5

There are 697 students in a certain school. It is known that half of the lower grade is equal to two fifths of the middle grade, and one third of the lower grade is equal to two seventh of the higher grade
Thank you very much for my brain

There are x people in the lower grade, y people in the middle grade and Z people in the higher grade
1 /2x=2/5y

There are 615 students in grade 4, 5 and 6 of Yuying primary school. It is known that half of the students in Grade 6 are equal to two fifths of the students in Grade 5 and three seventh of the students in grade 4. How many students are there in each of the three grades?

One half of the sixth grade students is equal to two fifths of the fifth grade students:
The ratio of sixth grade to fifth grade is 2 / 5:1 / 2 = 4:5
One half of the sixth grade students is equal to three seventh of the fourth grade students
The ratio of sixth grade to fourth grade is: 3 / 7:1 / 2 = 6:7, 4:5 = 12:15, 6:7 = 12:14
4、 The ratio of fifth and sixth grade students is 14:15:12, 14 + 15 + 12 = 41
The number of students in the fourth grade is 615 × 14 / 41 = 210;
The number of fifth grade students is 615 × 15 / 41 = 225;
The number of sixth grade students is 615 × 12 / 41 = 180