If the remainder of a place's longitude divided by 15 is equal to 7.5 degrees, is the time zone where the precision is located plus one

If the remainder of a place's longitude divided by 15 is equal to 7.5 degrees, is the time zone where the precision is located plus one

The secondary meridian is the time zone dividing line, so it can be added or not; it depends on the local reality

How many longitudes does each time zone span? What are the longitude ranges of East 12 and West 12?

According to international regulations, every 15 ° is divided into a time zone, and the world can be divided into 24 time zones. Based on the prime meridian, from 7.5 ° west longitude to 7.5 ° east longitude, it is divided into central time zone (or 0 time zone). To the east of central time zone, it is divided into eastern zone 1 to eastern zone 12; to the west of central time zone, it is divided into Western Zone 1 to western zone 12

What is the remainder of 1 divided by 5
One question is to use the remainder of 1 divided by 5. How much is 1 divided by 5? If - 4 divided by 5, what is the remainder? Help!

1 △ 5 remainder 1
4 △ 5 remainder 4

1.2 divided by 0.5, when the division quotient is 0.2, what is the remainder? Why?

Not low, business is 2
Divisor = divisor times quotient + remainder
So the remainder = 1.2-0.5 × 2 = 0.2

Divide by 12 = 8?

100 divided by 12 = 8 remainder 4

What is the remainder of 8 divided by 8

Because 8 △ 8 = 0
So the remainder is zero
8÷8=0…… 0
A: the remainder of 8 divided by 8 is 0
Hope to help you

Find the remainder of 38 ^ 8 divided by 5

Using binomial expansion,%, is a complement operator
```It is a polynomial, in which each term contains a factor of 40, so the remainder of 5 will always be 0. So we can get the last term of binomial expansion 2 ^ 8% 5, 2 ^ 8 is very easy to calculate 256, as long as the number with the last digit of 0 or 5 can be divided by 5, so the number (256) minus the number closest to its own last digit of 5 or 0 (255) can get the remainder (1)

The process and result of √ (3 / 11) divided by √ (3 and 2 / 3), √ (12 / 35) divided by √ (7 / 5)

Ask the questions separately ~ 1. = √ (3 / 11 divided by 3 and 2 / 3) = √ 9 / 121 = 3 / 11 2. = √ (12 / 35 divided by 7 / 5) = √ 12 / 49 = 2 √ 3 divided by 7. In fact, if you want to get good grades, buy more exercises to do, don't copy the answers, do it carefully, the grades will go up! Don't believe it

(3 / 14 + 3 / 4 + 5 / 7) divided by 1 / 28 5 / 7 * 1 / 2 + 2 / 7 * 1 / 24 divided by 1 / 12

(3 / 14 + 3 / 4 + 5 / 7) divided by 1 / 28
5 / 7 * 1 / 2 + 2 / 7 * 1 / 24 divided by 1 / 12

[14 1|3(3.78-( )÷1 2|7)×1 2|3】÷3.2=4 1|24

[14 and 3 / 1 - (3.78x △ 1 and 7 / 2) X1 and 3 / 2] = 97 / 24 * 16 / 5 = 194 / 15
(3.78x △ 1 and 7 / 2) X1 and 3 / 2 = 43 / 3-194 / 15 = 7 / 5
7 / 2 = 7 / 5 * 3 / 5 = 21 / 25