The greatest common divisor of 34 and 51 is______ ; & nbsp; & nbsp; the least common multiple of 12, 16, 24 is______ .

The greatest common divisor of 34 and 51 is______ ; & nbsp; & nbsp; the least common multiple of 12, 16, 24 is______ .

① 34 = 2 × 17, 51 = 3 × 17, so the greatest common divisor of 34 and 51 is: 17; ② 12 = 2 × 2 × 3, 16 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2, 24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3, so the least common multiple of 12, 16 and 24 is: 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 48, so the answer is: 17, 48

How to write 37 year old English words

thirty-seven years old

Explain a word in English
All usages of taht include the meaning in the sentence
It's wrong. It's that

That; that, that person, that thing, that thing
That, that person, that thing, that thing
3. The former
(used as an antecedent of a relative pronoun) that, that
5. (instead of nouns in sentences, avoid repetition)
6. (used as a relative pronoun to lead a relative clause)
example sentence;
1.That's my teacher of English there.
Over there is my English teacher
2.Who told her that?
Who told her that?
4.What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup?
What did you just put in the plastic cup?
5.The output of steel this year has increased by 20% compared with that
in 1992.
This year's steel output has increased by 20% over 1992
That, that
That book isn't mine
That book is not mine
1. So, so
Is the problem that easy?
Is the question that simple?
1. (leading noun clause)
Because, because, because
(lead adverbial clause, express purpose or result)
4. The main clause is often omitted
give an example:
1.That she is still alive is a relief.
It is comforting that she is still alive
1.My idea is that we should act on his suggestion.
My opinion is that we should follow his suggestion
1.He expressed the hope that we would keep in touch with his firm.
He expressed the hope that we would keep in touch with his company
2.We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task.
We are all happy that we have accomplished another arduous task
3.He is working hard that he can catch up with the class.
He worked hard to catch up with his classmates
4.That I could stay at home today!
If only I could stay at home today!

What are the rules of 10, 11 and 13.49
It's not the order of adding 1 for the first time, adding 2 for the second time, adding 3 for the third time, and adding 4 for the fourth time, so the answers are different

Add 1 for the first time, add 2 for the second time, add 3 for the third time, add 4 for the fourth time

Why do people live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year?

The earth rotates 24 hours a week. This is caused by the earth's rotation and revolution. Scientists estimate that there will be 36 hours in a day after 5 million years. It's easy to remember that there are no 24 hours in a day. The earth's rotation is just 24 hours a day. In fact, it's just a little more than 24 hours. It's just rounded up, The most important thing is not to waste it, even if it changes 72 or 80. What's the use? There's no need to do anything. When you're worried, you'll still be worried. Human beings are limited in the world. First correct a mistake. There are 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds in a day instead of 24 hours. This is the time of the earth's rotation for one cycle, just like the time of Mars' autobiography is 24 hours, 37 minutes

365 days a year, 24 hours a day, who calculated it?

About 6000 years ago, the Sumerians used sundials to divide a day into 12 equal parts. They also invented a calendar based on 29.5 days, that is, the time of a week when the moon changes. About the same time, the Egyptians began to divide a day into 24 hours, with 365 days as a year

"365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, 60 seconds a minute,

Before people realized the motion of planets, they counted the day, month and year by the position of the sun and the phase of the moon. The count of day is from one sunrise to the next, the month is from one full moon to the next, and the year is the number of days in a week of seasonal change. About 6000 years ago, Sumerians used sundials to divide a day into 12

Why 24 hours a day, 30 days a month, 365 days in 12 months a year?

The origin of date
A year is the time when the earth revolves around the sun. The total length is 365 days and 1 / 4 days (365.2422 days), that is, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. This is called "year of return"
For the convenience of application, the calendar year does not use the regression year, but uses the complete number of days. In the Gregorian calendar, the average year is 365 days, and the leap year is 366 years, with one leap every four years and one less leap every 100 years
The lunar calendar is based on the lunar new moon, a total of 12 months, a year is 354 days. Every three years there is a leap year. Leap year is 383 days or 384 days
A year is also a cycle of climate change. The climate changes from cold to hot, and then from hot to cold. This includes the whole process of people engaged in agriculture from cultivation to harvest. So people have used the natural law of climate change as a large unit of time since ancient times, and used a year as the basis for making the calendar
A month is a lunar cycle around the earth, that is, a new moon. The length of a new moon is 29.53059 days, that is, 12:44:3 seconds on the 29th, which is called "calendar month". As we all know, the moon is a sphere. Because the moon revolves around the earth and follows the earth around the sun, the position of the moon to the earth and the sun is constantly changing, When we can't see the moon, it's called "Shuo" (mostly on the first day and the 30th day of the lunar calendar). After 14 or 15 days, we will see a round moon, It's called "look" (mostly on the 14th, 15th and 16th of the lunar calendar). When the moon goes from this new moon to the next new moon, or from this time to the next new moon, it means that the moon goes round the earth for one month. We call it "look at the new moon"
Everyone can see the law of the moon's cycle, so people have long regarded it as the unit of calculating the day, and the new moon as the basis of making the calendar. A month of the lunar calendar is determined according to the new moon
One day is the time for the earth to rotate for one cycle, that is, one day and one night, a total of 24 hours. The earth is oval, and it will not shine. At the same time, only half of the earth is facing the sun, and the half of the earth facing the sun is the day. The earth is facing away from the sun, and the sun's light can't reach the earth, This half of the earth is night. Because the earth is constantly rotating, it forms a regular cycle of day and night
Usually, the time when the sun rises is called day, which is the beginning of a day. When the day turns into night, that is, when the sun sets, it is called night. A day, usually refers to the law of celestial phenomena change, which is easy for people to grasp and use as the basic unit to calculate time. A day is the first unit in the calendar
This kind of day determined by the sun is called "sun day". There are two kinds of sun day, namely "true sun day" and "ordinary sun day". The true sun day has advantages and disadvantages. This is because the earth's orbit around the sun is elliptical. In winter, the earth is far away from the sun, so its revolution is slower, Therefore, the time of a day is long and short. Therefore, the time of the "true sun day" is not exactly the same, so it is very difficult to use it. For convenience, the calendar uses a day of constant length instead of a real sun day. This day is the average length of the true sun day in a year, which is called "ordinary sun day". According to current practice, the time of a day is divided into 24 equal parts, It is 24 hours, 24 hours as a day. According to the current practice, a day starts at 0:00 in the middle of the night, and ends at 24 hours in the middle of the night of the next day. But what needs to be mentioned here is that in ancient Chinese traditional culture, the 24 hours of a day are divided into 12 hours, which is replaced by 12 folk zodiac signs, And each hour is divided into three parts, namely, the beginning time, the right time and the last time. The alternate time of each day is from 11:00 on that day to midnight as the sub hour of the next day, rather than 0:00 in the usual sense. Therefore, from 11:00 to 11:39 at night is the beginning time, and from 11:40 to 12:19 is the right time, 12: The last hour is from 20:00 to 1:00 in the morning. The first hour is from 11:00 to 11:39, the noon is from 11:40 to 12:19, the last hour is from 12:20 to 1:00 in the afternoon, and so on
It is very convenient to calculate the short time by days, such as three, five, ten and eight days, but it is very difficult to calculate the long time
Solar calendar, lunar calendar and lunar calendar
The Gregorian calendar (Gregorian calendar) is a common calendar in most countries in the world. It is revised from the "Julian calendar". The Julian calendar was adopted by Julius and Caesar, the commander-in-chief of ancient Rome, in 46 BC
The solar calendar is a calendar based on the earth's movement around the sun. It takes one cycle of the earth around the sun (a regression year) as a year. The length of a regression year is 365.2422 days, that is, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. There are 23 hours, 15 minutes and 4 seconds accumulated in 4 years, which is about equal to one day. Therefore, one day is added every 4 years. At the end of February, 366 days is a leap year, After 128 years or so, one more day is counted, that is, three more days in 400 years
The solar leap year stipulates that if the number of A.D. years can be divided by 4, it will be regarded as a leap year. In order to subtract the extra 3 days in 400 years, and stipulate that the whole number of A.D. century, that is, when the number of A.D. years is 100, the leap year must be divided by 400. For example, 1600, 2000, 2200 and 2400 years are leap years, The size of the month is completely artificial. Now it is stipulated that January, March, may, July, August, October and December are the big months with 31 days each month; April, June, September and November are the small months with 30 days each month; February is the average year with 28 days and leap year with 29 days
The lunar calendar is made according to the period of the moon's round and missing phases (that is, the new moon). Because the ancients called the moon Taiyin, it is also called Taiyin calendar. It is a pure lunar calendar. China uses the "lunar calendar", which is not right. The lunar calendar is not a pure lunar calendar, but a "Yin Yang calendar"
In the lunar calendar, the time when the moon circulates once is counted as a month and 12 months as a year. However, the time when the moon circulates once, a new moon, is 29 days, 12:44:3 seconds, which is more than 29 days and less than 30 days. For convenience, the lunar calendar divides the months into two kinds: big month and small month
In fact, a new moon is not exactly equal to the average of a big month and a small month -- 29 days and a half, but 44 minutes and 2.8 seconds more than 29 days and a half. Therefore, 12 new moons are actually 8 hours, 48 minutes and 34 seconds more than 354 days, and 11 days more than 30 years. Therefore, 11 year leap year will be inserted in 30 years of the lunar calendar, and every leap year will add one more day in 12 months. The leap year of the lunar calendar is 355 days, There are 354 days in 19 years and 355 days in 11 years in the lunar calendar every 30 years. The average length of a year is 354 days, 8 hours and 48 minutes. Its year is almost 11 days shorter than that of the return year. Three years is shorter than one month, and 17 years is shorter than six months. Therefore, using this kind of duration, the new year may not be spent in winter, it can be spent in spring, summer or autumn