I want to know the energy of 5000 kcal / ton coal and 6000 kcal / ton coal I want to know how many tons of coal can be saved if an enterprise uses 1000 tons and 5000 kcal of coal a month instead of 6000 kcal of coal? It can also analyze how many chemical components will be produced in the next ton of 5000 kcal coal, such as air, ash and so on

I want to know the energy of 5000 kcal / ton coal and 6000 kcal / ton coal I want to know how many tons of coal can be saved if an enterprise uses 1000 tons and 5000 kcal of coal a month instead of 6000 kcal of coal? It can also analyze how many chemical components will be produced in the next ton of 5000 kcal coal, such as air, ash and so on

For 5000 kcal coal, about 4200 x 5000 / 1000000 = 21mj / kg = 21000 MJ / T or 21000 MJ / T. similarly, for 6000 kcal coal, about 25200 MJ / T. to meet the same energy, using 6000 kcal coal can save about 167 kg coal per ton, or about 0.2 ton coal per ton

How many kinds of coal more than 5000 kcal!
Raw coal! Open pit mine out! Several, respectively, how many number!

Calculation: the heat required for 10 tons of water from 20 ℃ to 70 ℃ is 500000 kcal. The conversion success rate is 581.5 ℃ per hour. Considering that the efficiency of electric heating is about 95%, the power consumption is 612 kwh. The thermal efficiency of a 2-ton coal-fired boiler is about 40%. The heat required for 1 ton of water from 20 ℃ to 70 ℃ is 50000 kcal. Therefore, it is necessary to use 50000 / 5000 coal = 10kg, The actual coal consumption is 25 kg
Remember to adopt it

How much heat is 3500-5500 kcal equal to coal combustion?

The combustion value of standard coal is 7000 kcal / kg
3500/7000 = 0.5
5500/7000 = 0.79
0.5-0.79 kg coal

The heat of coal is 6000 kcal. How much coal do you need for 539409 kcal?
I don't know how much coal is used to calculate the calorific value of 6000 kcal coal/

If it's 6000 kcal, I guess it's kilogram (a kilogram of coal can heat 60 kilogram of water from 0 ℃ to 100 ℃)
If so, regardless of the loss, you need 89.9015 kg of coal

How much heat does it need to raise the temperature of 100 flat area space from 0 ℃ to 20 ℃? The combustion value of coal is 5800 kcal / kg, and the maximum combustion temperature can reach 1200 ℃
The specific heat of air is 1.006 * 10 ^ 3j / kg * k, 3.5m at the height of 100 flat area

What's the title? Did it come out of the book 20 years ago?
Now the energy unit is Joule, and the combustion temperature is up to 1200 degrees, which is useless,
To solve your problem, you need to know the specific heat of the air. Your 100 plane is the unit of area. How about the height? Is your house 4 meters high or 20 meters high?

How many calories is 400 kcal?

Calorie is an energy unit, which is still widely used in nutrition measurement and fitness manual. Joule is the international standard energy unit
Kcal, also known as capital letter C, is most commonly used in food labeling. It is equivalent to the heat required to raise 1000 grams of water from 14.5 ℃ to 15.5 ℃ at 1 atmospheric pressure, which is about 4186 joules of internal energy
Small card, also recorded as cal, is more seen in scientific research documents, 1000 small card = 1 large card
Calorie and basal metabolic expenditure
Generally speaking, adults need at least 1500 calories a day to maintain body function. This is because even if you lie still, your body still needs to be able to maintain body temperature, cardiopulmonary function and brain operation. The consumption of basal metabolism varies with individual height, weight, age and gender
Calories and weight loss
The mechanism is quite simple. When the daily intake of energy is not enough to provide the body's energy consumption, the human body will use the carbohydrate and fat stored in it. When the fat is decomposed and provides energy for the body, the process of weight loss begins, Some doctors pointed out that the control of energy intake should be gradual to ensure that the human body can adapt for a long time. At the same time, the daily intake of energy is generally no less than 800 calories. Otherwise, the human body will make up for the lack of energy intake by reducing the body function, which will usually lead to dizziness and fatigue, and the reduction of basic metabolic consumption will also affect the efficiency of weight loss
The following table shows the daily intake of various components and their proportion of calories: (9 calories per gram of fat; 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate; 4 calories per gram of protein)
Fat less than 65 grams, 585 calories less than 30%
Carbohydrates 300 g 1200 calories 60%
Protein 47 g 188 calories 9.4%
Other 27 calories 2.6%
Control fat intake
Fat is an indispensable part of human body. Fat is divided into saturated fat and unsaturated fat, The problem with saturated fat is that it can stimulate the body to increase the production of cholesterol, while unsaturated fat can just reduce the cholesterol in the blood. Fatter beef, pork and whole fat dairy products contain more saturated fat; corn oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, olive oil and vegetable oil contain unsaturated fat. The daily fat intake recommended by experts is 65g, A piece of meat the size of a cigarette case
Supplement the right amount of vitamins
Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, which are essential to supplement body energy. If you eat 6-11 portions of carbohydrates (each equivalent to a piece of bread), you should eat at least 3-5 portions of vegetables (each equivalent to a basin of lettuce) and 2-4 portions of fruits (each equivalent to a medium-sized Apple)
negative calorie food
Negative calorie foods are those that need more calories to digest than they actually carry
In other words, the body needs more calories to extract the calories from these foods. This gives these foods an advantage of natural fat consumption
For example: a piece of pie contains 350 calories, which may only need 100 calories to digest, so your body will add 250 calories of fat
However, if you eat a 65 calorie food and need 150 calories to digest it, you will consume 50 calories just by eating that food
There are many foods that are low in calories, delicious, good in taste, and have excellent negative calorie properties. You don't have to go hungry to lose weight. Instead, you should eat a lot of negative calorie foods to consume too much fat and make yourself naturally slim

Is one calorie equal to one calorie or one thousand calories?
After searching the Internet, some people say that 1000 calories = 1000 calories, while others say that 1000 calories = 1 calorie = 1000 calories. Which one is right? I'm confused?

Card is the abbreviation of calorie. So 1 card is 1 calorie. It's totally different from the same unit. Just like the name and nickname of the same person, it's the same person. Calorie (CAL for short) is transliterated from English calorie, which is defined as the amount needed to raise 1 gram of water by 1 ℃ under 1 atmospheric pressure

How much is 1kg

2 kg

How many pounds is one kilogram

1kg = = 2.205 pounds

How many tons is 1kg
