There are 4 / 5 tons of food in the shops, 1 / 3 of which are transported away from the disaster area, and the remaining 2 / 5 are sold. How much is left?

There are 4 / 5 tons of food in the shops, 1 / 3 of which are transported away from the disaster area, and the remaining 2 / 5 are sold. How much is left?

Excuse me, are you wrong about the question, 1 / 3 or 1 / 3 tons to be shipped away, 2 / 5 or 2 / 5 tons to be sold?

The stores have 4 / 5 tons of food, 1 / 3 of which are transported away from the disaster area, and 2 / 5 of which are sold. What percentage is left?

Four out of fifteen
I hope you can understand, you can understand and agree

The original 4 / 5 tons of food in the store were transported by the disaster area, and 1 / 10 of the total food was sold. What percentage of the total food was left?
Can you explain it

1- 1/2 - 1/10= 2/5
It has nothing to do with the original weight
Suppose that the original grain is 1, the two times of transportation are 1 / 2 1 / 10, and the rest is 1 minus

A bottle of oil has five liters. The first time you pour out two fifths of her oil, the second time you pour out the remaining two fifths. What's the remaining part of this bottle of oil?

(1-2 / 5) × (1-2 / 5) = 9 / 25