Triangle divided by circle is equal to 9-13, circle is a two digit number, what is the maximum and minimum of triangle

Triangle divided by circle is equal to 9-13, circle is a two digit number, what is the maximum and minimum of triangle

A triangle divided by a circle is nine and thirteen
That is: 9 times circle + 13 = triangle
A circle is a two digit number, with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 99
So the maximum triangle is 9 * 99 + 13 = 904
The minimum is 9 * 10 + 13 = 103

Two stars and three triangles are equal to 22. What are the numbers of stars and triangles

First of all, let's analyze
(default is all natural numbers)
Two stars indicate that their sum is an even number
The sum of three triangles is a multiple of three
The total sum is 22, which is an even number, and so are two stars
This requires that the sum of three triangles be even
It's a multiple of 3, an even number and less than 22
In line with the situation are: 6,12,18
In other words: triangle may be: 2, 4, 6
When the triangle equals two, the star equals eight
When the triangle equals four, the star equals five
When the triangle equals six, the star equals two
When considering 0
When the triangle equals 0, the star equals 11

5 stars, 2 triangles add up to 30, how many stars

Number of stars: 150 divided by 3 times 2 equals 100
Number of smiling faces: 100 divided by 5 equals 20
A: 150 thumbs equals 20 smiling faces

Circle equals three triangles, triangle plus three circles equals star plus star, so how many triangles does star equal?