A 5km long road is completed in 9 days, with an average of () km per day. What percentage of the road is built per day? () 1 / 18 is equal to 2 / 3; 52 / 78 becomes the simplest fraction ()

A 5km long road is completed in 9 days, with an average of () km per day. What percentage of the road is built per day? () 1 / 18 is equal to 2 / 3; 52 / 78 becomes the simplest fraction ()

A 5km long road is completed in 9 days, with an average of (5 / 9) km per day and (1 / 9) km per day
(12) One of 18 is equal to two of three; 52 of 78 is reduced to the simplest fraction of (2 / 3).. two of three

The road repair team needs to build a 4 km long road, which will be completed in 9 days. How many kilometers per day on average? What percentage of the road is built every day?

4 △ 9 = 49 (km), 1 △ 9 = 19. A: the average daily repair is 49 km, the average daily repair of this road is 19

Build a 10 kilometer long highway and finish it in 9 days. What's the average daily rate of this highway? How many kilometers per day?

Average daily repair of this road: 1 △ 9 = 19, average daily repair: 10 △ 9 = 109 (km); answer: average daily repair of this road: 19, average daily repair of 109 km

A road is four fifths of a kilometer long. The road repair team repaired one third of the road on the first day and one fourth of the road on the second day. How many parts of the road remain to be repaired?
Is the unit "1" used to subtract?

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