There are 2 motorcycles and 80 cheap cars in the parking lot. There are 152 fewer wheels for motorcycles than cars, a few motorcycles and a few cars

There are 2 motorcycles and 80 cheap cars in the parking lot. There are 152 fewer wheels for motorcycles than cars, a few motorcycles and a few cars

Set motorcycle x car 80-x
So there are 28 motorcycles and 80-28 cars = 52

Please give a detailed answer to the math arrangement and review of grade 6 in primary school, thank you! (17 19:47:36)
When did car a start at 8:40 a.m. and car B start at 35 km an hour? When did car B start?

There was an interval of 5 hours and 30 minutes between 8:40 a.m. and 2:10 p.m
The driving distance of vehicle B = 340-30 × 5.5 = 175 km
The time required for vehicle B to travel 175 km = 175 △ 35 = 5 hours
2:10 PM - 5 hours = 9:10 am