In 40, 12, 37, 39, 45, 18, 1o, 26, 91, 69234, 76600, what are odd numbers, even numbers, multiples of three, numbers with factor 5, prime numbers and composite numbers?

In 40, 12, 37, 39, 45, 18, 1o, 26, 91, 69234, 76600, what are odd numbers, even numbers, multiples of three, numbers with factor 5, prime numbers and composite numbers?

Odd: 37,39,45,91,69
Even number: 40,12,18,10,26234,76600
Multiple of three: 12,39,45,18,69234600
The content factor is 5:40,45,10600
Prime number: 37,91
Total number: 40,12,39,45,18,10,26,69234600

3+7+11+15+19+.+91+95=99=( )

Note 25 is the number of terms, which can be calculated by arithmetic sequence
The tolerance of 3 + (number of items - 1) (here 4) = 99
Then we use the sum formula
(Prime Minister + last phase) * number of items / 2

3+7+11+15+19+…… What's the number of + 91 + 95 + 99? Help!
come on.


Among the numbers 40, 12, 37, 39, 47, 18, 10, 26, 91, 69, 13 and 76, what are the prime numbers and the combined numbers?
If I'm so anxious, I'll give him or her 100 points

Prime 37 47 13
Total, 40 12 39 18 10 26 91 69 76